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HRM last won the day on November 4 2019

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    Flying, Diving & aggravating people.
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  • Model
    '15 EKOLOT KR-030 TOPAZ

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  1. LoL, I had only intended one photo and for some reason it just pulled them all from I am not sure where. Loving the 'live on an airport life'.
  2. Josh, I am very pleased to see that The Mistress is doing well--truly an exceptional aircraft. Regrettably, I cannot part with the model and I am sure you understand why. That said, it was made by "My Mahogany Model" and I am sure that they can make a duplicate for you. They may even have the details on file. The model now sits with my current ride (N635WR, the Petite Mistress) in the dining room on display. Had to go LSA, not getting any younger, you know . Take care, Harley
  3. I thought you couldn't 'go back' after going R&D experimental.
  4. Yes. The cable is long enough that the 'swing' is relatively minor to get the tail where it needs to be. Then the winch straightens everything up automatically.
  5. HF with the wired control pod. Looked a lot like this one.
  6. Some sort of pulley or arbor.
  7. Heat transfer efficiency is diminished at altitude. iPad has no fan and using flight software (heavy graphics, GPS, screen brightness) puts a huge load on them. Best solution is a holder with fan(s) or just power cycle to give it a rest. https://www.sportys.com/x-naut-cooling-case-for-ipad-mini-1-5.html?mrkgadid=&mrkgen=27&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Smart_Shopping&creative={AdId}&device=c&matchtype=&mrkgcl=596&acctid=700000001999345&dskeywordid=92700067107255414&lid=92700067107255414&ds_s_kwgid=58700007109433166&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007407630&dsproductgroupid=961638435786&product_id=2071A&merchid=2857566&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=u&matchtype=&locationid=9010078&creative=524093874389&targetid=pla-961638435786&campaignid=13261768744&adgroupid=122815601677&gclid=Cj0KCQjwof6WBhD4ARIsAOi65agshGjopX56ykbY4W__EE2UZOIoBwTEw6fnR6uPfNCaczgselULdMkaApWvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. Let me add that grinding the shims (to get them in and out while the engine is mounted) is common practice--that's in the Maxwell document.
  9. On my E the shims were critical to engine cooling. It has to do with alignment with the front cowl opening. Yes, sort of T&E.
  10. Time for a one-piece belly!
  11. Loved the bunny seats!
  12. These boots are made of Uo (unobtainium). Some wrenches have repaired them with rubber compounds.
  13. I wasn't sure, but there you have it. Just baffling!
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