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  1. Hands down one of the best Mooney resources out there. Even though I sold my beloved J a couple years back, I'd feel like a mega douche if I didn't donate today. I owe too much to this site and its members...
  2. Quote: N4352H Hector is Awesome....always how high on the way up. Did my yokes in 3 days. It actually cost more to have them R&R than Hector's fine work.
  3. Quote: docket Off with their heads.
  4. Quote: ehscott I don't think the argument about the validity of the patent is slipping under the rug. I have no opinion one way or the other but I find it hard to believe that you can draw any definitive conclusion based on a cursory reading of the patent unless you study the underlying application where the detail is presented. Again, maybe you and others have done more to evaluate this than I have but it does not change my view that signing onto an anonymous boycott website without really understanding the underlying facts is not something that I would do. I do agree with you about the need for more expertise at USPTO when it comes to intellectual property patents. The current state of the art in designing these patent applications (i.e., as a machine or flow chart) is woefully inadequate. I can tell you from experience it is not easy to get a patent for something like this, often because of iterations caused by an inadequate understanding of the underlying invention because of how it must be presented in the application.
  5. This year hasn't been good for Mooney accidents. Maybe this Wyoming crash from late October was already mentioned on the board... http://www.thekathrynreport.com/2010/11/bucklin-memorial-service-to-be-webcast.html Tragic. Be safe out there.
  6. Quote: Mitch "Underwear invention protects privacy at airport" Check this out! http://www.komonews.com/news/offbeat/109890209.html?ref=morestories
  7. My instrument training was with PIC in my Mooney. I agree with thinwing-- with an intense course you will focus on nothing else except your IFR training, and that can work to your advantage. And you're probably more likely to get the rating in the first place (you pay the money upfront with PIC, and there are fewer reasons to drop out... although, be forewarned, by day four you will want to drop out... the love/hate relationship with your instructor is an understatement). Chances are good that you'll run into some crappy weather during those 10 days if you're training in the winter, so you're likely to get some actual IMC (and then your instructor will make you do countless approaches in that IMC all day long). Either way, after you get the rating, just file IFR all the time and take every chance to fly the system the way it was designed. No matter how you train, the first time you enter IMC by yourself you will be terrified and then rewarded-- best to do it as soon after you get the rating as possible. As for the written exam, just study the test bank like others suggest and pass the exam before you start flight training. There's really no time for it once you've started PIC. Good luck!
  8. Quote: RJBrown Alcohol does not belong in any car at all. We only have it at the behest of the ag lobbies. We use MORE energy than we save by using corn. It is a big con and we are stupid enough to pay for it. Alcohol = water. can't have one without the other.
  9. Quote: 67M20F My windlace needs alot of work, it is falling apart, but have little to none to put into the Mooney... what would you do?
  10. Quote: LuvFlying Just wanted to bump this thread to see if there is any more information/comments/experience from anyone. I finally tracked down that high pitched hissing noise - the front door. So I'm putting "front door seal" on the squawk list.
  11. Quote: KSMooniac The 1-pc belly is extremely nice to have, and I will likely do this mod next year.
  12. Quote: Vref So if any one is thinking or hesitating to go for a Mooney Just DO IT you won't regret it!!!
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