My instrument training was with PIC in my Mooney. I agree with thinwing-- with an intense course you will focus on nothing else except your IFR training, and that can work to your advantage. And you're probably more likely to get the rating in the first place (you pay the money upfront with PIC, and there are fewer reasons to drop out... although, be forewarned, by day four you will want to drop out... the love/hate relationship with your instructor is an understatement). Chances are good that you'll run into some crappy weather during those 10 days if you're training in the winter, so you're likely to get some actual IMC (and then your instructor will make you do countless approaches in that IMC all day long). Either way, after you get the rating, just file IFR all the time and take every chance to fly the system the way it was designed. No matter how you train, the first time you enter IMC by yourself you will be terrified and then rewarded-- best to do it as soon after you get the rating as possible. As for the written exam, just study the test bank like others suggest and pass the exam before you start flight training. There's really no time for it once you've started PIC. Good luck!