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Blog Comments posted by carusoam

  1. Look into Cies senders if you are going to use a JPI900 or similar engine monitor...

    Costs ar similar, value is higher... adds digital accuracy to a not so accurate system...

    Rebuilding at Lockhaven?, lowest cost...

    Control cables are typically sent out to Mcfarlane... for copy, rebuild, replacement, as a user supplied part...


    Best regards,




  2. DVA,

    I always appreciate your writing.  It makes me think!

    Now that I am thinking, Allow me to share some of my thoughts...

    1) There is one important temperature effect on HP for NA engines. At sea level in the winter, the density of the air can generate more than the engine's 100% rated hp.

    2) Exceeding the 100% limit can be an enjoyable effect if nothing goes wrong.  Higher HP and better wing performance producing faster acceleration and shorter T/O ground rolls.  The air is cold, so engine cooling is easy to come by.

    3) There is that other issue... The high internal pressure that the cylinders are seeing.  The unusual high ICPs can cause a cylinder to crack and break.  Somebody posted a Mooney photo last year of a head that separated from the barrel.

    It might be a good idea to find what the training is for engine OP's in cold temps.  Kind of like adjusting for negative DA.  Pull the throttle out 1" of MP for each negative 1k' of DA?

    I would expect a similar protection would be in order to avoid over boosting a TC'd IO540s on really cold days...

    Any insights?

    Thanks for the nicely organized writing.

    Best regards,


  3. Thermocouple in the fuel spider would be an interesting sensor...  (Low cost and simple)

    There is a temperature range that would cause some fuel to boil.  The hotter, the more likely the need for hot start...

    a thermocouple mounted where the fuel return to the tank is, would indicated if the 30 seconds of running the pump with mixture out is doing anything useful.

    Thinking out loud...

    Best regards,


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