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Everything posted by Brooks

  1. i had my plane in for the IFR pitot static check and my avionics tech found that most of my mounts were broken. he did not have them in stock so he gave me the part number. i ordered them and after about $45.00 (you need 10 in a 231 (K))plus shipping i had them. it took about a half an hour to replace them. the trick is to work your way arround the panel dont try to take it off completly. second make sure you get the safety straps back on correctly. this is what prevents your pannel from ending up in your lap when you break them again. have a needle nose pliers handy to get the studs of the broken ones out, and dont over tighten. be prepared to be on your back for the bottom ones.
  2. i have tks installed on my aircraft. i use the same fluid in a hand sprayer and it works fairly well. it is slightly thicker that water so it will spray a little harder but not to bad. i also use it on my car when it gets ice on it and i dont want to scrape
  3. congratulations to all you guys who have achieved your IFR ticket. now you can really use and enjoy the airspace system and benefit from all that it has to offer! Have fun!!!
  4. Hmmmmm... question do you have to call for a popup IFR clearence if you ac is causing clouds INSIDE your airplane, or does the aim specificaly say that you cant be in the clouds that are outside of you airplane while flying VFR? just wondering what ATC would say
  5. duhhhhh i forgot out with the vac and possible in with the alt. to darn obvious for my engineering brain to grasp so says my wife any way when i cant find something sitting right in front of me thanks
  6. WOW that would make it VERY attractive!! anYbody have anyidea what it would take to put a second alternator on a tsio-360-xx to satisfy the need for redundincy or is their a way to install a second battery backup just for the aspen? i don't beleive that i have a second location avaiable for one in the current configuration but i am not shure.
  7. if you can find someone with a service manual for your specific model their are schematics in the back.. i know that their are some people with the "money memory stick" that they gave out a couple of years back. i have the one for a 231 but if you have a io-550-g i assume you dont have a m/20-k. (i could not find a model/year note in your signature or profile). if i can help with the info i do have i will be happy to do so. good luck with getting this resoloved quick sans amu's
  8. you did not mention if the engine sounds different/ rough or if you are having any rpm fluctuatuins. i would suspect (although not an expert) that if mechanical/ fuel issues were causing this you would have noticed significant changes in engine sound/ performance ect. maybey someone else will second this idea but it sounds to me like you may have a loose/intermintent ground or some other power/instrument issue, causing fluctuations in your readings. i am curious what you mean by "off line" and how you are determining that it is only cylindger #2 or did i misunderstand. just food for thought.
  9. Brooks


  10. From the album: 01

  11. From the album: 01

  12. From the album: 01

  13. thanks for the info. after seeing your system i did some poking around and i also found a software called xconn v04 which you simply run in the background while running fsx. it gets the gps data and ships it out your comm port. seeing as i didnt have one, i installed a freeware serial over ethernet software and hooked up two virtual commports between my fsx puter and my samsung q1 (connected to my network over wireless). my fl190 software found the comm port instantly and it all worked on the first try.. total time 15 min to configure. thanks for the ideas !! i was currious thought, are you using the 6 puters for grafics output only? is this because you really need a large cpu for each video output or just because you had them laying arround and each is capable of 1 video output. would it be more efficent to build 2 screeming puters each with 3 video cards like the new gtx 295's to accomplish the same goal? thanks Brooks
  14. i do not own a forced hot air preheater like the one mentioned previously but a question posed to thoes that do.. i am having a hard time thinking that is is a good idea to power a unit like theese off of you aircraft starting battery. first the battery on an aircraft (presumably at a remote airfield without services and or 110v power nearby) which is already cold from the weather(otherwiese why would you be preheating) is at a very serious disadvantage when tryng to get your fan started. second the battery is not very big, in fact i think that they are just barely enough to do their job, and i know the reasons.. weight, ballence, acid loose in and accident etc which i do not dispute. third, this situation is the worst opperationaly because you are going to drain down the battery some ammount right before it has to put out the most it ever will under the worst sircunstances a battery can face. am i missing some portion of the operation of theese heaters? do you guys carry/procure a seperate battery for this opperation? or is it just the worst way to heat at a remote airfield except for all of the rest which my not be possible at all. i assume that it takes a while to acctually get the engine up to a resonable temp which i am assuming is 15 to 60 min depending on outside air temp and weather you are employing thermal cowl and prop covers etc. just my thoughts on this particular type of system and i am only posting this to see what others have experienced and or their procedures to prevent over draining their battery on a cold day.
  15. hmmm yea well i will have to look some more. i was not real serious yet. i thought that the cost from garmin is now around 3K for each unit for a new replacement as oposed to just a software swap. (i was under the impression that you get a better screen and processor with this option). i figgured it would take longer that just 4 hours seeing as the interior has to be removed to re run the new coax and their is some sheetmetal work because the antenna is not exactly the same (ie new doubler and paint repairs) or am i mistaken? thaks for the insight
  16. I looked into this and JA Air in Aurrora IL told me that they had done enough of theese to confidently say that it shoud cost $5-5.5k including replacing the coax and antenna.
  17. just a quick question. what sim fsx? and how did you get the gps data to go to your handheld? i would love to have my fl190 read out gps data along with my fsx sim. thanks Brooks
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