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About Hamburglar

  • Birthday 02/28/1969

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  1. I had an engine overhaul done on my IO 360 A1A and with new cylinders and GAMI injectors the overhaul shop got about $38000 from me. I think the quote from the shop that removed/installed the engine quoted me either 20 or 40 hours labor @ $125/hour. The wait time was around five months.
  2. I have a HC-CZYK-IBF with F7666-A-2 Blade design that was taken off my plane about a year ago.
  3. I've got a file you are welcome to look at. I just had one done at a 3d printing shop and I like the way that it turned out.
  4. Sold. Thanks for the help.
  5. I ordered a MT propeller for my M20E six month ago and gave up on it. Ordered another prop and had it installed but forgot to cancel. Well they called and it is ready but now I cannot cancel. I am willing to take a loss and someone can skip the long wait if white blades and red tips work for you. If you are interested let's chat. I haven't paid for shipping so we should be able to work something out to have it shipped to you. They have an air freight and standard option.
  6. You can try Wilson Aircraft Service.
  7. I am guessing that the answer is no but I have to ask anyway. Will this work for a generator to alternator conversion? If it does what else would I need?
  8. I went through this when I first got mine last year and decided to just pay one of the instructors that specialized in a Mooney to come to me. For me, that ended up being a great decision. I used him for about a week and learned an enormous amount about my new to me plane. There are lots of them out there so I would say to talk to a couple and find the one that is right for you.
  9. I used Dorr and they were extremely easy to work with. Unfortunately I haven't gotten a keychain yet but if I do that will be a bonus.
  10. I am a new to airplane ownership, so I signed up for the Savvy program, and I have had mixed results. The place they helped me find for a pre buy was so bad that I would have gotten more out of it if I would have just set the money on fire. The local shop they found for me has been amazing and has made the cost of Savvy worth every penny. The bonus is the breakdown hotline that you can call if you happen to breakdown out of town. For someone like me that would have had no idea where to even start looking for someone to do the maintenance it has been very valuable.
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