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Jetpilot86 last won the day on November 13 2023

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    Hauling iPhones somewhere
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  1. Had a crankshaft snap on an A36 I flew Part 135 in over 30 years ago. As a result, the prop flat pitched at high RPM. IIRC, I was 8 miles from an airport at 4000 feet. I barely covered 4 miles and managed to land on an emergency grass strip for crop dusters instead.
  2. I took a small Velcro loop and mounted it to a trim screw on the sidewall then clip the box to the loop. .001 AMU’s. Pics if I ever get my M back from her spa quarter.
  3. I’ve done some “experimentation” with my clean wing Bravo. Clouds at freezing temperatures are simply to be avoided. One could lose 2kts/min in light accumulations. My buddies who flew 208’s seemed to deal with ice much better than a non-FIKI Mooney. I flew the TKS system on Twin Commanders, Part 135, and unless a pump quits or you run out of fluid, it’s an amazing system.
  4. You may surmise that I went to Texas A&M. I’m in paint now.
  5. I have this setup except with a G600 PFD/MFD
  6. Where is Kendrick located?
  7. I also subscribe to this in the Bravo. Firewall everything until top of climb, acceleration, and then set 30”/2200 and usually find the temps settle where they need to be between 13.2-14.0 gph.
  8. @wombat Maxwell did it for me, but I believe a wire for the altitude selector had to be run from the unit, in the avionics bay, to the PFD/Autopilot as part of the process. They may even still have my old KI275 altitude selector if someone is hunting one.
  9. I have done it, but I’ve got a G600 vs G500 PFD if it makes a difference.
  10. Is there a version of this for the Bravo?
  11. IIRC, Don does not run peak or LoP, only RoP. What is your RoP/LoP at your setting based on your engine monitor? At 14gph and running Peak/LoP FF, you should be about 67% power based on the Lean FF chart in the engine manual. Lycoming seems to define Lean FF as Peak TIT/EGT. A parallel Power (ROP) FF would be at least 15.1% higher. CHT’s look good. If you are running LoP, also refer to the Red Box teachings as how much LoP you need to run increases when you try to run higher %HP.
  12. Need to go dig some out of my music. Been a minute
  13. I do transoceanic as well, but that plane has a lav and a bed. and an oven for that matter
  14. I know what the POH says, but that doesn’t appear accurate based on refueling experience with the Monroy tanks.
  15. I usually start when I get in the plane, not before and not a lot at once. Now the second I shut down there is an immediate priority.
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