Just finished up a METAR map for my local area (image attached) and seeing if there's interest from other people if I start putting these together and sell? Would be custom maps for your area and sizes could range from: 5x7, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20, 18x24, 24x36. Number of led lights would range from 10 to 100 depending on size and density of area. Pricing is estimated from $100 for the 5x7 to $500 for the 24x36 which includes shipping but no frame.
It's a pretty slick setup and a light can be added to any METAR reporting airport https://www.cnrfc.noaa.gov/metar.php. Green-VFR, Blue-MVFR, Red-IFR, Pink-LIFR, Yellow-Windy and you will need wifi coverage so the map can constantly update. There are some custom settings like the threshold to indicate windy (over X KTS), set a time to turn LEDs off and back on, indicate lightning, and indicate icing.
If you're interested just reply here or send me a private message and if you know what size, include that too. Right now, gathering interest to see if we have enough people to make it worthwhile and if so, I'll reach out to you through MS via PM.