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  1. Very nice. This should be a quick sale.
  2. I think Vance is on to something, in my plane, if I have the side window open while taxing I get the popping. Close the little window and it goes away.
  3. New orings 100% solved the issue.
  4. They are but I can't tell if they were o-rings that were crushed in to that shape over the last 40 years or if they are supposed to be xxxxxx - someone help me with the proper geometric term. Certainly a cheap thing to try though, I'll source some orings and give it a try. I typed the above yet never clicked submit. I'll try both orings and an alternate material like felt or leather. Either of those makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I will report back with what I learn.
  5. Found a similar thread in the pre J section but the description doesn’t match the parts on my J. My throttle doesn’t lock anymore and I only found the entire assembly in the IPC. MacFarlene said they don’t have a rebuilt kit. Certainly I’m not the only one who has a worn out throttle. Is my only option to buy a new one? photo attached.
  6. I just noticed that my last annual, the airframe logbook references an annual, but the engine and the prop logbooks reference a 100 hour inspection. Does that sound right to everyone?
  7. Yes, there is a thread barrel connector! I'll definitely do that, thank you.
  8. Yes except when cold, then a little higher.
  9. My JPI oil pressure indicator has been jumping around the last couple months. The analog gauge (also in the video) is where it usually sits when the engine is warm, it is approx 10psi higher when cold. I don't remember what phase of flight I was in but my oil temp is normally 10 degrees higher than what you see in the video and holds steady (unless in a long climb). I head in to annual in a couple weeks, interested your opinions. I have 1600 hours on the engine in case that's relevant. https://photos.app.goo.gl/vHWxTJziByg1M8s58 Tim
  10. This was all I needed to know - This AC is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation.
  11. exposed jackscrew
  12. boot screws removed.
  13. Top boot screw positions
  14. for @rturbett The boot
  15. I do have a bit of play in the trim wheel now that I know it’s not supposed to be there it will annoy me until I fix it :-).
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