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bcg last won the day on December 8 2024

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    1963 M20C
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  1. It's an addition so we need to buy a new toilet anyway. Believe it or not, the full flush is almost $100 cheaper than the low flow version. We're getting the toilet that will flush a bucket of golf balls. Don't want to have to double-flush anything. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  2. Anyone know offhand what the measurements are for the door on a short body? We can't buy good toilets in TX right now, only the ultra low flow so I bought one in Louisiana. I'm trying to figure out if I can fit it in the airplane or I'm going to have to drive (yuck). I thought Trump was going to let us have toilets that only took 1 flush again, I guess Gov Abbott didn't agree. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  3. The new systems are required to be on at all times (hence both positions are ON) so the guarded switch isn't needed anymore. We measure loading in gallons and it's injecting into the exhaust for proper atomization and dispersal at low altitude. It allows a more targeted distribution, which certain agencies really prefer. I put mine in when I did my avionics upgrade and the grant money provided for installing it covered most of the labor for the entire upgrade. There are several different agency contracts going right now, though not as many as with the last administration. The "Mind Control" formula is paying the best at the moment and almost covers my fuel costs. I've had some ethical concerns about it but, avgas is expensive and you've got to save where you can. I can't really divulge too much about who is financing and providing the chemicals other than to say that it's likely who you would expect and a couple of others you may not have heard of before. They'll probably contact you since you've expressed interest, dealing with "They" has been easy, I haven't much enjoyed interactions with "Them" though so ask around the hangar before getting on board with a program to see what others think of it.
  4. I've had my amp probe go squirrely a few times now. It gives me a "BAD PROBE" error and then starts doing this. Usually, the next flight it works just fine. Anyone have any ideas? It worked perfectly for a year or so and nothing changed recently that should have caused this.
  5. Napa sells a gas cap like that for about 1/2 the price, only difference is it's a screw compression instead of the flip tab. Disassemble it and use just the rubber piece to repair the Mooney cap, throw the rest in the scrap metal pile. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  6. Only S-Tec will repair them. They have to be sent in by a dealer. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  7. They won't sell you the part, many have tried, all have failed. You can either get a used one off eBay or something or, you can get an authorized dealer to send yours back to S-Tec. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  8. My C isn't any quieter than your F. I think we worry about stuff more than the animals do. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  9. No reason you can't have 3. Or, sell it if you win. A $400 saw for $10 wouldn't be a bad deal.
  10. So this is only maybe sort of related to aviation and if everyone wants to yell at me to take it down, I will. The aviation part, I fly cats for Pilots-N-Paws with my co-pilot, GJ the Adventure Kitty, he's a good Pilot Monitoring. They do surprisingly well, I've had them as high as 9500' and they were still awake and alert. The only time I've had any complaints from them is during a descent that's too fast, if I keep it at 400FPM or less, they do really well. Now, the cat part... Flying cats around and seeing all the feral cats around my area motivated me to start my own nonprofit to spay and release stray and feral cats to help cut down on the population last month. In the last 3 weeks, we've done 20 cats, mostly out of my own pocket, and I've raised enough money to do another 14 next week from some very generous people, some of them fellow Mooney pilots. I recently managed to convince a local business to hook me up with a Stihl MS251 Wood Boss Chainsaw to raffle off so, if you're interested in winning a nice chainsaw, you can get tickets here - https://bcrt.betterworld.org/giveaways/sstihl-ms-251-chainsaw. It's all virtual and if someone not close to me wins, I'll ship you the saw, or fly it to you. If you've got any interest in learning more about what I'm doing, you can check it out on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61573024811324) or https://banderacatrescue.org. There's a lot more information on the FB page. Sorry to SPAM but, it's a chance to get a nice saw for free and help out a good cause and fellow Mooney guy.
  11. Last time I had my Eddy Current Inspection done, they guy asked me if my prop governor wandered using multi viscosity oil. He said that with some of the governors, especially as they age, the oil viscosity would get too thin for them to hold higher RPMs. You might try changing to a straight 50W oil if you're using a multi visc. I don't know if this is going to help or not, just something I picked up from a prop guy along the way.
  12. He was there 77-81 so you guys were there at the same time. He was A Flight Commander in 79-81, supervising instructor pilots. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  13. My dad was an instructor there in the late 70s, early 80s. You guys may have overlapped, he'd have been a Capt then. Thom Granier Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  14. I did also. I cut the shape on the outside and then used soapy water to get it into place inside and squeegeed the water out. I think it looks really nice. GJ the Adventure Kitty likes it also. I have some Velcro on the back windows also for the foil bubble wrap, in the summer time I put that up on the back windows. It makes a huge difference in comfort in the Texas summer. I painted one side of the foil a flat black so it's not blinding inside the airplane. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  15. The static cling is the way to go. I use 5% in the back and 20% up front. I keep some squares of 5% rolled up in the plane to slap up where the sun is really bad. It causes a slight distortion in the view but, nothing that would affect safety. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
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