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bcg last won the day on December 8 2024

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    1963 M20C
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  1. Last time I had my Eddy Current Inspection done, they guy asked me if my prop governor wandered using multi viscosity oil. He said that with some of the governors, especially as they age, the oil viscosity would get too thin for them to hold higher RPMs. You might try changing to a straight 50W oil if you're using a multi visc. I don't know if this is going to help or not, just something I picked up from a prop guy along the way.
  2. He was there 77-81 so you guys were there at the same time. He was A Flight Commander in 79-81, supervising instructor pilots. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  3. My dad was an instructor there in the late 70s, early 80s. You guys may have overlapped, he'd have been a Capt then. Thom Granier Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  4. I did also. I cut the shape on the outside and then used soapy water to get it into place inside and squeegeed the water out. I think it looks really nice. GJ the Adventure Kitty likes it also. I have some Velcro on the back windows also for the foil bubble wrap, in the summer time I put that up on the back windows. It makes a huge difference in comfort in the Texas summer. I painted one side of the foil a flat black so it's not blinding inside the airplane. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  5. The static cling is the way to go. I use 5% in the back and 20% up front. I keep some squares of 5% rolled up in the plane to slap up where the sun is really bad. It causes a slight distortion in the view but, nothing that would affect safety. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  6. Pat at 5C1 is a good guy that knows Mooney fairly well. 210-383-8064 Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  7. I leave mine in, I think that's kind of the point of them. They're very sleek, I don't think they account for any appreciable drag.
  8. I would have interpreted it exactly as you did, his phraseology was bad. I've never been told anything other than "Hold Short Runway xx" and it's always required a read back with the runway number and call sign in the same transmission. I've also only been given a "line up and wait" instruction behind departing traffic, never with someone on approach. In hindsight, there were clues but, I don't think this is on you, at least not 100%. I agree that filing an ASRS would be a good idea. If you do hear anything more about it, I would expect that the controller will get some retraining out of it.
  9. I feed my mechanic, the avionics shop and the line guys throughout the year. At Christmas time, they all get tamales. I also keep some lottery scratchers in my flight bag and give them to line guys when I'm away from home when I get especially good service. I like to show appreciation for people that go above and beyond.
  10. The best way to KNOW what you have usable is to fly a wing dry and see how much you can put back in it. I can put 24.7 per side in my plane, the book says 24.4 per side. I'm sure they all vary slightly. Is it enough that it really matters if you're being smart with reserves? No but, I still like to know for sure. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  11. While a Bravo is thirsty, it's also fast. Think of it in miles per gallon instead of gallons per hour and it gets a lot more efficient. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  12. Not quite. I made a fuel stop at NCR, a little north of Destin. Normally, I'd have stopped around Mobile. I probably could've made it to Tampa with no reserves if I was dumb enough to try it. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  13. The G5 is in MPH to match the POH speeds. It's easier than converting it all to knots. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  14. I'm hoping by the time I go home next week they won't be as bad. I'll probably have to go back much lower, at 4,000 winds were only about 8 knots, they picked up significantly between 7 and 9. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
  15. That's a big part of it, I'm basically retired myself so I've got the time, I'd rather be doing something than nothing. I'm going to have Dugosh do the sealing part, David and I have already talked about it. I know he'll do a good job and I won't have any leaks when he's done so I'm not really worried about that part. I just need to do the mindless grunt work and there's something cathartic about just zoning out and doing manual labor for me. Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro XL using Tapatalk
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