Mooney save back at home !
M20J MSE 243164 (1990)
The issue (description by local mechanic on site, at that time I'm 240nm away at home):
Battery Master and Alternator ON: The fuel pump and the starter do not work, the lights are working. Battery is full charged, no issue.
To make the boost pump and starter work, have to put the avionics switch ON, then everything works. The engine can be started.
But, if avionics ON the boost pump can not switch OFF (beside pulling the CB). It’ just running, even the boost pump switch is off.
Technically I could fly the plane home for further inspection and repair. I’m now afraid about a possible short circuit somewhere.
Any Idea?
__________________ Update 6/6/22 pls see below too _________________________
Thank you very much for all the support and good advice. The error description above came from the French mechanic in Colmar LFGA. I had tried, on the way to Colmar, sitting 10h in a train, to trigger Mooneyspace as additional support, typed on the iPhone. To me, the description seemed so strange, I had tried to have you as such a good source on my side.
On site, I then had remote support from my avionics professional who did the avionics conversion (2xG5, GNS 530/430 WAAS+210, AT1, ADL) two years ago, as well as from another avionics examiner, both from Germany.
On site, the situation turned out to be different than described by the French mechanic. The boost pump did not work. Navigation switch on or off did not matter. I did measured through the boost pump switch, which is also a CB - Mooney standard wiring. It works normally. A separate Boost Pump CB does not exist therefore also. the French mechanic has probably confused that with the fuel flow CB. Probably just the boost pump is defective or has/had a short circuit. We are now clarifying this at home.
I was able to start the Mooney without the boost pump, normal procedure, but with the avionics switch off. So, at least for me, there is no longer any connection of the issue with the avionics bus, as far as can be seen at least now.
I had wondered about an error that had already occurred 2 months ago. Therefore, I had a possible dependency with the avionik relay not seen as entirely impossible. The Alt Field CB jumped out once, but could be pushed in again. No further issue. This occurred again on the flight to Colmar. Not on the return flight. I can't see any connection with the boost pump. Maybe it's just "lause and fleas" at the same time. We are now looking into this at home.
Again thank you all. Any advice on both problems is of course highly appreciated by me.