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About rickseeman

  • Birthday 08/16/1956

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    Las Vegas
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    Las Vegas & Arkansas

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  1. I sold the Ovation but I can't figure out how to edit the ad to say sold. Sorry
  2. I got the Garmin GTX-345 installed with fresh IFR certs this week. ADSB in and out. No more Stratus for traffic and weather on iphone and ipad.
  3. Sorry I never saw your response. I put an ad on Trade-a-plane with all the photos. It isn't a hyperlink but look in the text under interior/exterior and copy/past that in. Sorry I didn't know how to make it a hyperlink.
  4. I guess I should have put my phone number in there Rick Seeman 501-519-742five
  5. I have aged out. I haven't been going anywhere for a long time. It's hard for a guy to face stuff like this but that's the way it is. Fresh annual in August. The ADSB is out so I bought a new GTX-345 but the avionics shop hasn't had time to put it in yet. We can work that out. The paint has some very small areas that need touched up but nothing major. I bought this airplane from the original owner. It was his baby and he took very good care of it. He aged out too. Hangared since new by him or me. The speed brakes are the desirable electric ones. Good air conditioned Ovations aren't easy to find. I'm totally happy with the airplane and don't know of anything that it needs. I have photos & logbooks on dropbox and I think I can figure out how to email a link. Hangared at M73, that's a small airport about 50 miles southeast of Little Rock, Arkansas KLIT. You can take panels off and look inside, go thru the logbooks, do a compression check, do a flight check, whatever you want to make you feel comfortable that you are getting a good machine. But I'm not going to fly it to Seattle so your mechanic can look at it. It's a good machine and I think you will be very happy. 1996 Mooney M20R Ovation N9156G Serial # 29-0088 Airframe: 902 SNEW Engine: 902 SNEW – Continental IO-550-G(5) S/N 679213 Propeller: 387 SNEW Hartzell “Top Prop” 1/2006 99 SPOH – PHC-J3YF-1RF/F7693DF-2 S/N FP4260B (Overhauled by Texas Aircraft Propeller & Accessories 7/2017) Max Gross Takeoff Weight: 3368 pounds Max Landing Weight: 3200 pounds Basic Empty Weight: 2377 pounds Useful Load: 991 pounds Usable Fuel Capacity: 89 gallons (518 lbs) Empty CG: 43.90 inches • Complete and original logs • Annual inspection due 9/1/2025 • ELT battery due 9/2027 • All AD’s in compliance • Engine compressions at 8/2024 annual 63/61/58/54/61/57 • Transponder cert done 11/1/2022 • G5 certs done • IFR cert done • Blind encoder cert done • New Weight & Balance done June 2021 Avionics: • Garmin G5 PFD (with GAD 29 and GMU 11) new in June 2021 • Garmin G5 EHSI new in June 2021 new back up battery 12/2022 • Garmin GFC 500 autopilot with altitude hold, LVL (return-to-level mode button), ESP (Electronic Stability and Protection), underspeed and overspeed protection, and electric trim June 2021 • Garmin GNS 530W #1 WAAS GPS/Nav/Comm installed new 12/2010 • King KX 165 #2 Nav/Comm with glide slope • Bose headset jack for pilot • Electric Rudder trim • King KT 76A transponder • Garmin GDL 88 ADS-B receiver (with ADS-B In and Out Traffic and Weather) • Garmin GDL 69 XM weather receiver • JPI EDM 700 engine monitor with fuel flow sensor • Shadin Miniflo-L fuel flow meter/totalizer • King KN 64 DME (inop) • King CDI/GS indicator for KX-165 • King KR 87 ADF (inop) • Insight SF2000 Strikefinder • King KMA 24 audio panel • NAT intercom • Artex 110-4 121.5mhz ELT • Handheld communications radio antenna jack • Clock with timer • All electric avionics system (no vacuum pump) Additional Equipment: • Factory air conditioning • Precise Flight electric speed brakes Miscellaneous Recent Maintenance: • Tanks completely resealed by Weep-No-More Willmar, Minnesota 2/2012 • New landing gear shock discs 7/2023 • New Gill G243 batteries 5/2022 • New LH tail pipe 12/2021 • Overhaul electric fuel boost pump 12/2020 • New URHB32E spark plugs 10/2019 • New main tires 10/2019 • Overhaul propeller governor 7/2017 (when prop was overhauled) • New nose tire 4/2015 • New brake discs and linings 4/2015 • Repair engine-driven fuel pump 9/2009 • 500-hour magneto inspection/repair 5/2006 (next due at 1020.6 hours) • Minor damage history: (1) Replace LH horizontal stabilizer skins (by Mooney Factory Service Center) when maintenance left rear battery access panel loose. The 1 pound part came off in flight. 5/1997 (2) Replace LH outboard leading edge wing skin due to ground damage. (Taxied into another aircraft at a very low speed at a fly-in.) 5/2010 Professionally repaired, looks perfect. Exterior: • White top, Green bottom, and Gold stripes (original) Interior: • Grey cloth interior (original)
  6. Many have died thinking they could land gear down. I don't recall anybody dying because they landed gear up.
  7. I found it hard to believe too. Nowadays with everybody trying to steal as much as they can from every person on every part and every invoice it felt good to do business the old fashioned way.
  8. It didn't seem hard to find for me. I called Lasar, they said they didn't have one in stock, but Mooney did. And Mooney drop shipped it to me for $9. Thanks Lasar. And thanks Mooney. It was like the old days.
  9. I don't know anything about TKS. But my Ovation just has a panel under the stall switch that you remove to access the stall switch.
  10. It should take very little diagnostic to figure out the stall warning. The vane doesn't have any moving parts to speak of. Access is simple. Everything can be checked on the ground without starting the engine. A new microswitch is $9 from Mooney.
  11. WOW I liked those charts. Thanks
  12. Let's be honest. I'm never going to go anywhere. I love airplanes. I love Mooneys. I don't like the thought of not having an airplane, but I'm never going to go anywhere. When I bought my Ovation I could only think of one trip I wanted to make and I made it last year. I'm just getting old. And I don't like admitting it. My annual is due at the end of next month. After I get it out I should probably sell it. I don't think I should try to sell it now or the buyers would whine about "the annual is coming due". That's not a big deal to me. I don't have any squawks and if Maxwell couldn't find any last year I don't think this guy will find anything this year. Well, my ADSB is out but I've bought a new GTX-345 to put in it, I'm just waiting on the avionics shop to have an opening for install. So if you're still looking then I have a 1996 air conditioned Ovation GFC-500 dual G-5's around 885 TT. I bought it from the original owner. He aged out too. I have spec sheet and photos if you are still interested. $225,000. I have no interest in taking it to Afganistan or Sri Lanka for a pre buy and waiting 2 weeks for someone to decide if they really want an airplane. I'm in a friendly hangar and you can have it looked over for as long as you want. We can go thru all the original log books, do a leak down, my borescope isn't the greatest but I could buy one like Mike Busch has. Do a test flight and check all the systems. Remove panels. Whatever you want to do until you are convinced that it's a good machine.
  13. I'm 5'5" 140 and have had a F, K and an R and they all fit me fine.
  14. I've never flown the 310 hp version but I'm happy with 280. More climb is always good in any airplane I guess but shorter takeoff wouldn't mean anything to me. The 280 will takeoff anywhere you need to take off from. If it took off in 500 less feet would that really matter? They say you can use 2550 in cruise instead of 2500 but I don't think that would be any help to me. Unless I'm in a big hurry I turn back the rpms just to make it quieter and save gas anyway. So I guess all it would give me is climb. Sounds good but not gigantic to me. I get to 10,000 pretty quick.
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