Yeah, but that's not the whole story, is it? We all pay for lots of things through our taxes that we don't use. I have no children yet pay for local schools. I pay for highways I don't drive on. But I like living amongst educated people and Amazon brings me my stuff on those roads so...
GA users benefit from a system that was designed for the airlines so they pay for the majority of it. Local communities benefit from having local airports so local communities pay for them. The whole country benefits from a robust aviation industry so the Federal Government subsides it. Airline passengers benefit from GA users using the "system" because it's safer for us to be on radar talking to ATC then flying around NORDO. The OP here was really making an argument for a "free" system for GA, not against it. That other aircraft had no excuse, even VFR, to not be talking to ATC and receiving flight following. If he had to pay for that service, he would have been even LESS likely to use it (rather then just being lazy which was probably the case). Had been talking to ATC, he would have been pointed out but since he was just a target, ATC was too busy to bother.
And oh yeah: What's the biggest problem facing the airline industry right now? Labor. They need pilots and mechanics. Where do these people come from? GA. Killing GA through user fees would be about the most short sighted thing they could do. Which is probably why you haven't heard too much about it from the airlines lately...