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About BobbyH

  • Birthday July 19

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    Puget Sound, WA
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  1. Does the 'other' DG have an heading bug for an autopilot? Mine precesses early and often. Any issues with it or the Attitude indicator?
  2. Beautiful unit! Can it be installed in a older 12V aircraft with a step-up transformer? 12Vdc to 28Vdc?
  3. I'm selling serviceable Slick Magnetos that were removed from my IO-360-A1A (1966 M20E) in good condition. They have approximately 560 hours in each and working correctly when removed. (I "upgraded" to the original Bendix SOS Magnetos). Although currently working well, recommend doing the 500 hour maintenance. Selling them together Model 4345 and Model 4370 and throwing in the Wire Harnesses free of charge. I asking $900 for magnetos, plus shipping.
  4. It is totally functional, working when removed.
  5. I recently removed my vacuum servo (still in very good serviceable condition) from my 66 M20E. I'm selling it for $125 plus shipping.
  6. Beautiful looking airplane. Looks like you will be working with Jimmy Garrison. My experience is he is upfront and easy to work with. Like Fly Boomer said, hope it works out well for all involved.
  7. My IO-360-A1A uses around 1 Quart in 8 hours. It does have a leak that drips on the nose wheel a little so I'm assuming very little is passing the rings.
  8. The early altitude encoders would degrade with time and needed to be adjusted every few years. Since it is a critical component for safe separation of aircraft in IFR conditions it is wise to have it kept accurate. The newer encoders are much more robust and rarely have the same issues, but the rules must include all hardware.
  9. Yes, Graphicsmaxx made some for me last year. They do an excellent job.
  10. I really like that idea. My time to repaint is coming soon. Thank you!
  11. And congrats on your new acquisition. I really enjoy the Mooney and hope you get years of flying in yours! Bob
  12. Stefano, Your bird looks very familiar. Here is a picture of my 66' M20E. Similar yet my colors are swapped, gray and red. The base is white (not bright white). There should be a list of colors in the service manual near the end of the document. You can find it in the downloads section of MooneySpace. Bob
  13. I really like the Bruce's cover on mine, which is also outside because hangars are not available in this area without a multi-year wait. Mine snaps in the front and has a strap underneath the empennage. Options for cowl covers are available, along with wing and tail covers too.
  14. My 66' M20E's paint is not what it used to be so I'm looking at different paint schemes and options. Your "Anomaly" has blown me out of the water and pushed right through the envelope of my imagination. I first saw it on AOPA then here in Mooneyspace and am totally impressed. Probably not what I will do but am encouraged to start thinking outside the box a little more. Thanks to Matt too, amazing job!
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