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  1. There you have it, Red. You know more than I do about that plane. Shows how hard I’m ‘looking’. While I can afford everything everyone said about plane ownership, I have a hard time transitioning from club member to owner. It’s such financial malpractice. Damn my parents and their sensible money lessons. I’ll live vicariously through you because I have no plane buying… guts. Keep me posted on the plane hunt. There’s a M20J with TKS that looked nice. While more expensive, the TKS is a very nice feature once you’re flying through rain with an OAT at the freezing level. If you are a serious student of flying and you (legitimately) know your limitations, I wouldn’t worry about transitioning to a higher performance, complex airplane. That’s how people progress (not sure of your career goals). If you’re going to start instrument training, might as well be in a more advanced plane. Your instructor can help you learn the complexities of the plane and no better time than to get the rhythm of approaches in a complex (with an instructor to catch you when you goof). Not sure of the approach speed of the M20K but it has to be 90-100 kts. A C-172 has a 90 kt approach so what’s the difference? A prop control and a gear handle? Yeah, there’s some new power settings for attitude flying but now’s the time! Just be honest about each flight and your personal minimums.
  2. Well, Red. I know the airplane you’re talking about without even pulling up your link. I’ve been ‘looking’ for a long time, now, and that plane has been there… a long time. I’ve gone back and looked a few times but keep quietly asking myself, “why has no one bought this plane?” I’ve never called or inquired but I would take a close look before getting emotionally married. I’m guessing there are skeletons. Any plane I thought was worthy of looking at gets snatched up pretty quickly. Markets get hot when the government pumps $5 trillion into it. I’m too cautious. If you’re serious, you need to be ready to move fast on anything that interests you.
  3. One point that’s important that I didn’t see on this thread. You just got your PPL. The next obvious step will be you Instrument Rating (PPL is very limiting when you don’t have the freedom to wait for VFR conditions). For that rating, I would look for a couple things. WAAS GPS. RNAV LPV approaches are the ILS of the modern age. 2nd NAV-COM. Having a back-up navigation is important. Think about 2 COMs. While not necessary, having 1 COM flying instrument is challenging. Good luck. If you were central FL, I’m looking for a partner... wanna move.
  4. So...bad form if you’re interested in buying a Mooney, want to talk to Mooney owners... and show up to a lunch in an Archer? Can’t be worse form than having an AOL email address IMO.
  5. This begs the question... What’s worse? The fact that something seems to be missing or that your mechanic doing your annual doesn’t know what (or if) it should be?
  6. Here’s what I know about kids (I have 3 and two are out of the house). They grow... and quickly. Your 100 lbs in the back seat will be 200... then 250... then 300 before you know it. That could be 620lbs of flesh with no luggage. Assuming you and your wife don’t put on a few ‘old age’ lbs. With 40lbs each of luggage, you’re hitting 780 before fuel. Given the traditional 850-950 useful load in a Mooney... maybe you get a touch over 1000 at your price point... you can put 37 gal of fuel on the plane (assuming you’re a lucky one with the 1000 lbs UL). That might get you your 250 miles but not your 500 miles. I’m new here too so I haven’t been indoctrinated with the M20 cool aide, yet. So that’s the honest truth IMO. If you’re OK selling and upping your useful load in a new plane in a few years, then you can’t beat the efficiency and speed at the price point of the Mooney.
  7. Wanna sell yours? I’m just kidding. The panel looks nicer than anything I’ve ever flown. I really appreciate the feedback. I’m toying with buying a Mooney and am all over the map. Everything from it’s not worth it... to maybe a TKS Ovation. I’ll look you up if I get serious looking at an F. 94k just seemed too close to a J model for me to take it too serious. That said, I keep reading that you should buy a plane with everything you want (avionics wise) because you’ll never recover the install cost. So... 94k F’s is where I see what I want. I’ll let you get back to your fat chicks.
  8. Is that really your F on controller? N6854V? If so, mind if I ask you a few questions?
  9. It’s funny. I came back to flying a year ago after about 15 years away (family... kids... no money for such frivolities). When I left, I had 20/25 vision and 6 big gauges, two VOR Nav’s, a DME and an ADF that formed a well equipped IFR airplane. My first time flying instrument in a plane with 2 x G5’s (I now have progressive old man glasses) was my IPC. I was cussing the 23 year old engineer that shoved my 6 big beautiful gauges into one 5” display. I’m sure he’s never flown and approach to mins in moderate turbulence. I’ve seen pictures of the 275 and they seem even smaller. Spend the extra money on the G3x with the G5 back-up. As you get older, you’ll be glad you did and your eyes will thank you. Then get the GFC-500 Autopilot cause it’s friggin awesome. IAS for a climb, VS for a decent, altitude capture. I’m setting new records for how quickly I can engage the autopilot after take-off. Nothing like shooting an approach to minimums just monitoring that teeny magenta or green diamond designed by that 23 year old with good vision.
  10. Yeah. I had my doubts but worth a try. C’s, E’s, and F’s are definitely more in my comfort zone. That said, I keep getting scope creep for speed, avionics, heated props, turbo, and maybe a TKS system for those brutal FL winters.
  11. I’m slow to the punch. That’s not the F Exec 21 currently on Controller. Understand!
  12. So... new to this forum but have been thinking about buying a Mooney. Unfortunately, my taste in airplanes exceeds my willingness to part with my money. However, if I could find a like minded 2nd owner... it’s a win-win. Anyone out there interested in a J or K or maybe even a lower end Ovation at either KSFB or KORL?
  13. Is there insider information on this plane someone new to the forum and looking for a Mooney should know? Are those pics of the current owner? This thread is very confusing. Feeling ‘left out’ of the jokes.
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