There you have it, Red. You know more than I do about that plane. Shows how hard I’m ‘looking’. While I can afford everything everyone said about plane ownership, I have a hard time transitioning from club member to owner. It’s such financial malpractice. Damn my parents and their sensible money lessons. I’ll live vicariously through you because I have no plane buying… guts. Keep me posted on the plane hunt. There’s a M20J with TKS that looked nice. While more expensive, the TKS is a very nice feature once you’re flying through rain with an OAT at the freezing level.
If you are a serious student of flying and you (legitimately) know your limitations, I wouldn’t worry about transitioning to a higher performance, complex airplane. That’s how people progress (not sure of your career goals). If you’re going to start instrument training, might as well be in a more advanced plane. Your instructor can help you learn the complexities of the plane and no better time than to get the rhythm of approaches in a complex (with an instructor to catch you when you goof). Not sure of the approach speed of the M20K but it has to be 90-100 kts. A C-172 has a 90 kt approach so what’s the difference? A prop control and a gear handle? Yeah, there’s some new power settings for attitude flying but now’s the time! Just be honest about each flight and your personal minimums.