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haymak3r last won the day on March 22 2022

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About haymak3r

  • Birthday 01/01/1981

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  1. I replaced the exhaust in my 79 J. I too purchased from AWI. I had no issues with install, and the bends matched my original muffler. I used the original tailpipe as well, since it was still in good shape. Everything lined back up perfectly. I would say that you got a mis-aligned part off the jig. I did not opt for the spiked looking muffler, just the matching ribbed one.
  2. It is really infuriating to me that there are pilots out there that don't have the ADM to go around with something like this. Complacency is a killer. We are held to a higher standard. In my opinion this plane was completely flyable still, and there is absolutely no excuse as to why this pilot didn't simply go around. Even if somebody has zero knowledge of engines or anything else mechanical, we are literally taught in the first few weeks of private pilot training about aircraft systems. How does one forget that an engine can still run just fine with the master switch off. While my emergency checklist does not have a specific "Electrical outage", it has Electrical Fire, Alt high volts, and alt low volts. All 3 of these say "land as soon as PRACTICABLE. NOT ASAP whether the runway is clear or not... Sorry for the rant, but this so far, takes the cake on the worst decision making I have seen so far, being a pilot myself.
  3. LOL no @Echo. It's that we basically asked the same thing at the same time.. Sorry for the confusion. I was definitely NOT laughing at what you posted as it is totally relevant.
  4. Do you happen to have any pics before you switched? Just for comparison of what we're looking at? There is some serious paint damage there, and it is super hard to believe this came from a fuel.. Does Brake cleaner or Brake fluid eat paint that fast? lol
  5. This is probably the best thing I will see on the internet for the next 10 years. Well done!
  6. I have a Macs cover, and while I am not sure if this is sort of normal with covers, I noticed after using mine for about a week or so as I could put the plane in its hanger due to construction at the airport, that my side windows had hazing?? or micro scratches on them now. Not sure if Bruce's covers do that, but wanted to throw that out as a data point with Macs covers. The windscreen area has a soft lining on the inside, but that is the only place. Just FYI. YMMV
  7. lol. you BARELY beat me. I will remove my thread..
  8. I've had this happen, and it was the plastic interior side kick panel. The attachment point by the pedals is a piece of metal flashing? or something that uses adel clamps on one of the bars of the roll cage. This was bend out(closer to the right passenger pedal). So when the kick panel was screwed back on, it was very close to the pedal. I did not notice this. I noticed the problem taxiing, as it was at a pretty close to the end of travel of the pedal before it would "catch" the kick panel.
  9. No worries at all. sorry, the slight mist is grease when I wipe it off. flange seal is dry, I check it periodically. It's all grease. I can see where it is coming out on the seal of one of the blades. I plan on getting a new prop at some point in the nearish future. It's a 3 blade, and I would rather go to the hartzel top prop.
  10. ok. I have a slight leak, but nothing really on the blade. some very slight spray right on the end of the cowl over a number of flights. And inside the spinner there is some grease. I know it probably needs to be resealed as well, but just continue to monitor for it getting worse.
  11. Interesting. How bad was it leaking?
  12. same. 5.5 was sort of a test. The plane definitely has a longer duration than I do hahaha.
  13. 5.5 hours isn't long enough? I try not to go that long, usually 2.5-3.
  14. Question for people who bring food. I too bring some snacks/water. But, I find that once I am in the air, and in cruise, I rarely even feel like eating or drinking anything. Not sure why, but am curious if others experience this too?
  15. Exact same thing for me. I get the plane all ready for my IA to do all of the inspecting. Then I button it back up. Help with compression checks, oil change, lubrication of everything. takes about 40 hours as stated. My IA is also now 120 an hour.
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