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About Ulysse

  • Birthday January 13

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    M20K Encore

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  1. Hello Can you report on your experience with the avidyne+gfc500 setup? Do the level button and ESP work? Can you confirm the VNAV does not work?
  2. The maximum weight as per the POH of the baggage area is 120lbs. There are many load configurations which would keep the aircraft well within W&B limits if this weight exceeded 120lbs. So, what imposes this limit?
  3. What would be the effect on CHT and EGT of a leak in the intake manifold of a single cylinder in a turbocharged engine?
  4. Many thanks for the replies
  5. Hello Is the annual valid until it's anniversary date or the last day of the month it was performed the previous year?
  6. Many thanks for all the comments. Because of the UN TFR, no IFR training possible. I could fly a cirrus sr20 from KCDW today and shoot some approaches outside of the class B at a very very busy non towered airport. I am glad it was VMC.
  7. It will be in a school aircraft. Actually, the main objective is just to fly in the US, in particular in the New-York airspace, so I thought I may as well combine this with some IFR training
  8. Yes Manhattan. I thought it would take around an hour to get to one of the GA airports around NYC. I can leave early in the morning and be back by 2pm.
  9. I will be traveling to NYC for a few days and will have every mornings free. Any suggestion on a school/CFII to practice IFR flying?
  10. Density altitude was about 2000ft. It happened once again, this time reaching the parking.
  11. That was me. Unfortunately, it happened again, so the problem is still unsolved. The magnetometer is in the tailcone. This issue can cause your attitude indicator to become unreliable if you have a Garmin panel. See @PT20J's post on the topic "g5 as backup of g3x -> GFC500" about this. I am scared of flying in IMC now until this issue is solved. Please do let us know if you find the origin of the problem.
  12. this is good to know. thank you Great idea. I am going to order one too
  13. This means that if the magnetometer fails then both the g3x and the G5 are affected and become potentially unusable? This is scary. So if the GDU is switched off, there will be no Bluetooth, thus no way of getting the engine parameters?
  14. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of the g3x/g5 /gfc500 interaction. I will try to disconnect the GSU and then the GDU next time I fly to check if I can run the AP from the g5. One big issue in disconnecting the GDU is that I would lose my engine parameters since I have EIS. I think garmin pilot can display engine data but I don't have Pilot. Is there a standalone software that could do that ? I suppose switching the GDU off would not affect the EIS except that it would not have a display. Although the error message I was getting conistently was "AHRS magnetic anomaly" which would suggest something wrong with the magnometer, why would this fault affect the attitude indicator which displayed absurd situation like high angle descent and turn to the left etc ? Could the AHRS in the GTX 345 displayed on an ipad be used for this purpose?
  15. I am wondering: why does a magnetometre issue affect the attitude indicator on the g3x?
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