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  1. Right now I believe 194 member countries of the WHO are about to sign a 'Global Pandemic Treaty'. Don't be surprised if USA falls to the globalists NWO very soon.
  2. I'm looking at petrochemical industry. Will the dynamics of car gasoline supply and demand change the costs and number of players in the aviation gasoline industry. Also will we all be regulated by personal carbon rationing - carbon crediting and debiting system linked to digital IDs etc. Some large global forces at play. 'The White Paper explores the concept of Personal Carbon Allowances - investigating how it could work in practice, reviewing what a personal carbon allowance would include, and looking at how big a personal carbon allowance should be. It includes learning's and feedback from a four-week consumer trial in Great Britain which set a personal carbon allowance of 20Kg CO2 per day.' https://prod-drupal-files.storage.googleapis.com/documents/resource/public/Personal Carbon Allowances White Paper - REPORT.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_carbon_credits https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-021-00756-w https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/carbon-credits-what-how-fight-climate-change/ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/personal-carbon-allowances-surveillance-capitalism/
  3. Who is worried about the future of general aviation internal combustion engine aircraft? I have concerns about what the future holds with regard to avgas burning light craft. The two biggest concerns are what will the future valuations look like if fuel prices rise dramatically and also the cost of operation. Car manufactures are pivoting to electric at a rapid pace with HUGE agendas for close to total electrification by 2030 for many. Both GM and Ford (among the other big guys ) are really rolling out the agenda. Will governments push their populations into car electrification by huge gasoline fuel prices increases with knock on effects for light aircraft? Will existing internal combustion light aircraft give way to newer electric aircraft, with an off the cliff dive of light aircraft prices as demand dries up? Interested in any informed predictions and timelines...
  4. Copy thanks. Yes hard rotation and over rotation giving up acceleration to a more prudent margin above stall speed and achieving a 'on the slow side' speed at 50ft rather than achieving a better safety margin over stall may well have been very good for marketing in the 70's and explain the large differences.
  5. Thanks for reply. Yes this is my findings also. Interesting
  6. Thanks yes I calculated both scenarios and both aircraft charts using a MTOW of 2740 pounds. Certainly not the same output from what I can see.
  7. Hi, Any performance specialists? I'm interested to understand the takeoff performance differences in the J model. Apart form some aerodynamic improvements the sizeable disparity between the attached 1977 and 1996 issued POH in takeoff performance I attribute to A) regulator imposing increased factoring / buffer inbuilt as time went on and/or the 'speed at 50ft'. I note the stall speeds in both books listed as 57kt in takeoff config (Flap 15 deg), yet the speed at 50ft in the 1977 book only 71kts and in the 1996 book 76kts . The lower margin above stall speed will achieve better numbers for takeoff distance I understand but I'm not certain its the only factor at play here in the differences. 71 kts is 24.56% margin above stall and 76 kts is 33.33% margin above 1G stall. Takeoff Safety speed for light aircraft I believe has to be at least 20 percent above stall speed?? Was there an FAA change at some stage on this? Are the 1977 figures allowed to be used... certainly not providing as much margin as later book data in the real world.
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