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About Teddsgotwings

  • Birthday 10/18/1989

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    Santa Monica
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  • Model
    1978 M20J
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  1. Shot in the dark here but here it goes. I’m out on a work project that got extended through the weekend and into next week in Augusta, GA. Clearly I had to pop by and check out the local airfield where I noticed n9233v on field. Wondering if anyone knows the owner or owner is on here and is flying over the weekend. Would love to get into some aerial activities while here. I checked wet rates for the c172 and cirrus at the flight school here but it’s hard to bring myself to put $ towards a fixed gear parachute or slow plane when I’m so accustomed to the mooney ways of aerial travel. Happy to split gas costs and lunch. Again I realize this is a long shot but if it works out I’d gladly return the favor back in LA someday with my J model - photos below for some proof of existence
  2. Any chance you’ve got that thread or file for the cup/phone holder?
  3. If I come up with a good cubby solution I’d be happy to share it. Also thinking of printing of a cup holder option. I’ve spilled a few too many coffees on early morning departures while leaving my coffee cup resting against rear pax kick wall area. Was thinking of printing a base that would slide between the seat rails between pilot copilot seat, in rear pax area aft of the emergency gear extension. Then having a cup holder platform that could snap into that base. As of right now it’s just a thought. May be easier to find something on a/c spruce… but not as fun.
  4. That’s the plan. Was curious if anyone in here had done so already and maybe had a file to share.
  5. Nothing quite like lighting up a Marlboro red at 10,000’ in a small enclosed tube. You got a part number for the ash tray?
  6. Finishing up a panel upgrade including a gfc500 which is replacing a century IIB. After removing the old AP control unit I’m left with a hole in the center stack that I’d like to repurpose as a cubby of sorts. Wondering if anyone has any files or designs for a tray I could place in there as opposed to simply blocking it off. Thoughts behind the cubby would be to place cell in there when being charged by USB port just above in the panel. Photo attached here
  7. Pulled the trigger with an installer in Redlands, CA. Timeline to get started is 4-6 weeks. Appx 21 AMU's for parts and labor. Ordered the GFC-500 today. Hoping to have it by end of October or Early November. Would like to be able to put it to use on a coast to coast flight from LA to Boston for turkey day. Thanks for all the feedback here.
  8. When I did my initial round of avionics, it was discovered that a family of mice had made the backside of the panel their home. They subsequently ended up gnawing through the plastic coating on most of the wires back there. With that discovery, we had to replace basically all of the wiring in the plane. All the new wiring should be pretty easy to work with I'd imagine. We'll find out... I have indeed put out feelers to 3 shops and should be getting quotes this week. Seems like It'll come down to price and scheduling availability. I'd be willing to spend a little more and "cut the queue" if possible.
  9. The quote I have says "Install GFC 500 w/Pitch, Roll and Pitch Trim Servos. Integrate with existing GI275" I dont see a yaw damper listed.
  10. The time has come to swap out my Century IIB - post total servo failure I'm about to pull the trigger on a GFC 500 install from a shop here in SoCal but wanted to make a post on MooneySpace to see if any of you had a line on a better deal. Parts quoted are about $14,000 + $10,000 (ish) in labor. Currently have dual GI-275s, gnx375, GNC 255, GMA 350c.... One shop said they can get me in house in 4-6 weeks. Awaiting their quote now. Any insight is always appreciated! 1XQ
  11. Hey all, I’m a recently minted commercial pilot in LA looking to build time. I’ve got about 700h in my own J model. Looking for some time building opps. I’m not an instructor yet so I can’t teach/time build that way but I figure ferrying is a good alternative and could help others in the community as well. I’m based in SoCal at KSMO. Shoot me a message any time. 820TT 520h x/c 75h instrument 700 complex/retract - all Mooney time. C, E, J, Ovation. High performance endorsement Instrument rated 8/2021 TR
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  12. Im at SMO and have a CFii that would love to help you out. PM me and I can give you her info. Welcome to the neighborhood!
  13. Do you have a photo of your panel you'd be willing to share?
  14. Thanks! I was actually just reading your thread a moment ago. Sounds like G has worked out most of the user interface issues that plagued the original instance of the GI275 EIS. Currently leaning towards this option as I do like the idea of having all 3 GI275s in the panel. Aesthetically they are very nice units. New tech + capabilities with an older look and feel.
  15. Currently looking to install a new engine monitor. Trying to decide whether to go with GI275 or JPI EDM 900. I want the gi275 as Ive currently got dual gi275s already and love that they sit behind/within the panel as opposed to on top. The only thing Ive heard for a negative pertaining to the gi275 is that the info isnt as easily accessible as it is on the EDM 900. Supposedly you have to scroll through some pages to get to certain info. The static images on Garmin look like the display is pretty complete but maybe thats just some photoshop trickery on G's part. Any insight or user experience/feedback on either model would be greatly appreciated. Best, TR
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