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  1. Thanks for checking in on this request guys.
  2. Hi everyone. I am looking to rent or borrow travel boards to rig the elevator trim on my mooney M20C. If anyone has a set they would be willing and able to loan or rent Please let me know Bryan Ellsworth 1969 Mooney M20C SN690079 cell 8505019093
  3. in regards to The Dynon working with the Aero Cruz, I just found this video showing how well the two interface.
  4. Ragsf15e: I ended up using McFarlane. Took about 4 or five days to arrive. HOPEFULLY the remove/ install will be no more than a half day ...
  5. I am seeing similar issues with my cables. What is the best source for the throttle, mixture and propeller control cables. 1969 m20c see pic for style.
  6. UPDATE on Mooney M20C in clarkville. I have purchased the plane and had the Annual completed and Propeller fully overhauled No future AD required) (The prop was sitting for many years albeit with low hours inspection revealed a bad hub). I am currently looking for a ferry pilot for a two hour engine break-in and then send to paint. Ferry is necessary due to interior having been removed. I have already purchased new carpets, wall panels and seat covers which I intend to install myself. The last piece of the VFR puzzle will be to install a Dynon panel and upgrade the comm and nav-comm system. Cylinders have very good compression, and due to it being a recent rebuild, will need a break-in run. The bones are actually amazingly good only very slight surface corrosion on control rods. During the annual we replaced all of the rod ends for every flight control rod. Gear had been re-rigged and overhauled already, but all proper torque checks were and gear cylcles were completed. It does have and open AD for the Aileron Control rods, but remains within the flight time limits. I have procured replacement rods which I will install once I get it the plane home home base. I knew going in to this I would be spending more on the back end. My target is a $70-80 k plane the way I want it. I will let you guys know how that one works out
  7. I wonder: will Dynon or Bendixking be first to come through?
  8. Looking for a mooney familiar mechanic to do a pre buy inspection in clarksville, TN. I appreciate any help!!
  9. Is this m20c still available. If so, I would love to see a few more photos and here more about this plane.
  10. Glad I finally posted this request for help. I'm loving the insight, and From what I can tell, most Mooney owners are usually very satisfied with the product. Other options I have considered (hold your fire) are beechcraft sundowner an Piper arrow or *cherokee 180* ( not comanchee). I keep coming back to the efficiency and value of the mooney.
  11. Thanks for the insight on insurance. Something that has gotten pushed to the background with the excitement of owning a plane. Smart of you to build time and reduce those premiums. Hope those those cuts will continue when my time comes ; )
  12. These are great pieces of advice and will really help me narrow the search a bit too, which seems to be the hardest part.
  13. -a- Thanks for the warm welcome! 1. soon to be empty nest 2. full grown adults 3. would like decent instruments. A&P mech, Maintenance does not scare me, but do not want a full time project or rebuild. Thanks for getting me started!!
  14. I am looking for your insight as I search to purchase a late model Mooney M20 for cross country VFR flying, and eventually IFR. Normal trips will be with 1 or 2 passengers and a few bags. Late model because my budget is in the $40-60 k range. So far I have learned to ensure wings have recently sealed tanks or bladders, landing gear pucks in good service and a thorough PPI is completed. I am looking forward to learning much more from you all on my journey to plane ownership.
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