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Q The Engineer

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    Engineering, engine design/development, drag racing, fast cars, guitars and of course Mooneys.
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  1. You shouldn't be. Have a look at any modern turbocharger, it's application and what limits it's life in the application. Operating loads on the compressor, which include pressure and temperature, limit the life due to fatigue. I'm not a big fan of the prove me wrong approach, it tells people what they need to know.
  2. interested in the CDT/TIT gauge if it's still available. Thanks
  3. Thanks Pete. I have mine at Instrument Overhaul Service. They couldn't salvage the first one I sent so I sent them my spare core for parts. We'll see how it goes and I'll keep looking. Thanks for the recommendation, thanks. I'm not a big of digital gauges but I may not have a choice.
  4. Looking for one as well if anyone has something available. Thanks
  5. Hi Dan, I realize it's a LONG shot, however, I'd be interested in the TIT/CDT gauge, IMP/Fuel Flow gauge, and the tach. Is there any chance they're still available? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the great info N231BN.
  7. Are you sure about that? You might want to check on what limits CDT in addition to combustion temps.
  8. I talked to KS Avionics yesterday and it looks like they have a TIT probe available for at a reasonable price point. If I can dig up the specs for the CDT it sounds like they can make them too. Anyone have the print for the CDT? I hear it's a thermistor and not a thermocouple.
  9. Thanks for the feedback gentlemen.
  10. Throw pressure to the cylinder you're checking with closed valves and listen into the intake and exhaust. It will tell you everything you need to know.
  11. Based on my experience it is. You have to manage IMP, TIT, and CDT. Yep, to get a 6 cylinder the burbles at idle, it's definitely worth it.
  12. LOL I have a bad keyboard that misses stuff as well. Reall recognizes real!
  13. That makes sense, just like on my LB, it gets richer as it goes rearward. Fair enough, I appreciate you clarifying and for my lack of experience. I thought you were talking injector flow, not fuel flow. I realize what needs to happen. However, I won't compromise what makes sense to satisfy anyone. It's my ass in the seat and I'll do what's right for me and my airplane. You'd be wise to do the same.
  14. No they won't, no engine will foul a plug based on being lean, none. They will foul a plug being rich or in oil. I'm not sure who you are but you lost me with this incorrect information.
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