Here are pics of the before and after of my 81’ 231 panel upgrade. It was 2 years in the making. Removed vacuum system, replaced problematic autopilot and so many more upgrades. Went from state of the art 1981 to a modern marvel for someone that learned to fly 30 plus years ago.
First big trip after the upgrade, KGSO to Chicago Exec the KMMU. Check out the situation in the upgrade photo, 38 degrees F, 13000’ in the clouds on O2, 195 kts GS 12.8 gph. This is why I have a Mooney. 5 minutes after this photo was taken I watched the airspeed rapidly slow….slow…slow to 50 kts. I lowered the nose out of training, turned off the AP, realized I am not spinning and my stall warning horn was NOT sounding, thought to myself turn on the pitot heat, suddenly I am now going 200 kts or there about. I did not yank on the yolk but turned on the AP and set the VS to 200’ up. All still in the clouds. My wife was shook. Total time of the event less than 1 minute. I knew I had lots of time to recover and I did not want to rip the plane apart. I wonder how many before me have not lived from a similar situation. So proud of how I recovered from such a dangerous situation but what a dumb ass to not turn on the pitot heat below 40 in the clouds. Flying is like that keeps us humble. Enjoy the panel photo. Turn on the pitot heat