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Lake Aero

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Everything posted by Lake Aero

  1. It is not plug-n-play. It depends on the Avionics configuration you have. It does take additional wiring for flight director, GPS, ADAHRS, etc.
  2. Yes, that's price they offer. All I can say is for sure it reduces the labor time since we are not replacing the mechanical components (if they are working just fine)
  3. It took me little over 25hrs for the first install.
  4. Yes, I can send you an operational video but the file is large. Please message me.
  5. Here are the pictures of Aerocruze 230 or KFC 230 Autopilot I installed in M20K. It was quite challenging install it especially the configurations but overall, I wasn't too bad. Most of the wiring from the KFC 150 could be used for this install. Hint, if you have KFC 150 servos in working condition doesn't mean it will pass the Preflight test on KFC 230. There is a procedure to pass the Preflight test(PFT). If you have any questions regarding this Autopilot or the install, let me know.
  6. How about mounting at a tilt angle. We have done this before. Please PM me if you want to know more
  7. Ring out the RS-232 wires. Also check configuration on GTX 335 and G5. Let me know if you need any help.
  8. Have you heard of GI275? It can be your AI/DG/HSI/MFD/EIS/CDI. People prefer because it fits in 3 1/8" hole. It can interface perfectly with GPS 175 to provide you the required information.
  9. Check power/grounds. If that makes it, could be bad display.
  10. Ring out wiring connections for Up/Down and check the configuration on Diagnostic page for both Avidyne and Aspen.
  11. JPI is located in Southern California and won't reopen until May 15th(could be extended). Have you thought of Garmin GI-275 EIS? Less Labor and fits in a 3 1/8'' hole.
  12. We can help it install but we are located in California. Our company name is LASAR. https://lasar.com/
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