Hello Guys, I have a 1965 M20C with a Rajay Turbo. Turbo installed in 1966, not that that means anything. My issue that has cropped up is when dialing in boost, EGT's for both rear cylinders increase quite a bit above fronts. I can run 24/2400 all day long low and normally aspirated. I would even lean a bit to get EGT's around 1300-1350, with all EGT's being within 50 degrees F of each other. But if I try to run 24/2400 up high, even full rich, both rear cylinder EGT's climb over 1450, and I have to back off boost to get them to come down. Front cylinders close to 150-200 degrees cooler. I don't see any air leaks in intakes tubes. Reference line from air box to fuel pump is good, no leaks. I do think my fuel pressure at altitude under boost used to be higher, so I am wondering if that's the issue. I remember my fuel pressure gauge would go red at altitude under boost, previous owner said his mechanic said that was normal due to something with the fuel gauge. I now understand why, the fuel gauge is not referenced to boost pressure, just atmospheric pressure, so reading is off at altitude under boost. Just looking for Ideas at this point, I am an A&P, but have haven't been working on planes or flying for 24 years, just getting back into it. My fuel pump was repaired 4 years ago (around 200 hours ago), not sure what issue was at that time. I called the shop that repaired the pump and spoke to the tech, he seemed to think diaphragm in pump was probably bad, so pump not compensating for boost pressure properly. Any ideas? Kind of a bummer to have turbo but not be able to take advantage of it. Flew it to 9000 feet yesterday and fuel pressure did go up as I climbed, gauge was reading just under 8 psi at 9000 feet, 24/2400. Seems like that should be enough, is around 6.5 psi when low and N/A.
Thanks, Mark