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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. But nobody relies upon just the forecast. As the letter from the general counsel says, "composite" sources.
  2. Because if you enter known ice air, you entered it knowing ice was there. The word “known” being operative. You cannot enter known ice conditions, with an exit plan in case it goes badly and say, it was not known ice, since “known” is operative.
  3. There is no difference between a B767 and a B767ER except for a backup hydraulic driven generator (HMG). In 40 years no one has had to rely upon the HMG except for a fuel exhaustion due to hijack. One night a LOT airlines B767ER departed JFK. Center system hydraulics failed which means no HMG. No HMG, no ETOPS. Have to stay within 60 minutes of suitable alternate. Captain thought, no electrical backup needed, I got two generators and an APU. Continues with ETOP crossing. Arrives over Warsaw, with no center system hydraulics will have to extend gear electrically. Except a chart bag had bumped the alternate gear CB and popped it. Unable to lower the gear, they belly landed a perfectly good 767. The Polish president hung a medal around the Captain's neck. The FAA said, "Why did you enter into an ETOPS operation without ETOPS equipment?" Now the FAA could not get the Captain, after all he had a medal. But, they suspended LOT's ETOPS privileges and fined them via their US operating permit. Cost LOT millions of dollars. The difference between champ and chump is one vowel. If the alt gear C/B had not popped the FAA would not have been the wiser, but when Murphy moves in he brings his brothers, sisters and cousins too and the FAA will have the change of address.
  4. You can't get pregnant from a toilet seat either.
  5. You can't be "a little bit pregnant".
  6. "If the composite information indicates to a reasonable and prudent pilot that he or she will be operating the aircraft under conditions that will cause ice to adhere to the aircraft along the proposed route and altitude of flight, then known icing conditions likely exist." They are going to ask that question and if the answer is yes, hire a lawyer. In legal terms it is "the reasonable man approach" and if you cannot prove you where reasonable, hire a lawyer. By the way if you assert it was , "un-forecast" the first thing they will do is listen to the tapes to see if you complied with 91.183.
  7. Hey it is your cite, not mine. The FAA is telling you when they are going to break out the 5 inch flange bit on you and make life difficult. It is a bit like J-Walking in CA. The CA pedestrian law says, you have the right of way over all vehicles the moment you step off the curb, even if it is not a marked crosswalk or an intersection. All traffic must come to a stop....but you can also be charged with J-walking if there is a marked crossing nearby. The opinion is signed by the Chief Counsel of the FAA. I tend to take him at his word I don't think he wrote what he wrote for anyone to second guess how his prosecutorial thinking or discretion will work.
  8. Not sure if it was NOTAM'd (unlikely) but it sure seems like an easy accident to happen https://www.foxnews.com/us/oklahoma-woman-riding-lawn-mower-struck-killed-small-airplane-wing
  9. I agree. If you foul the airspace in busy terminal area, for icing which was forecast and you're not FIKI, trouble brewing. Less likely but not moot in lesser areas. However, if you suddenly declare an emergency because of icing which a "reasonable pilot" could foresee and claim it was not forecast you may have a 91.183(b) problem unless you immediately report icing. IOW you can't have it both ways.
  10. If the composite information indicates to a reasonable and prudent pilot that he or she will be operating the aircraft under conditions that will cause ice to adhere to the aircraft along the proposed route and altitude of flight, then known icing conditions likely exist. If the pilot operates the aircraft in known icing conditions contrary to the requirements of 91.9(a), the FAA may take enforcement action. Translation,,,,,, if nothing happens, you're golden, if something happens you are golden toast. Choose wisely. (Note, it is not enough to have an exit strategy. It says, "proposed route and altitude" so what you file, locks you in legally to FIKI) Your exit strategy only keeps you from getting noticed, not immune. 1
  11. Operation into "known" " or...."forecast" icing is prohibited. So your route may be changed, or flight cancelled. From the MMEL preamble set for all aircraft. Definition: Icing Conditions An atmospheric environment that may cause ice to form on the aircraft (structural) or in the engine(s) (induction). Icing conditions may be known or forecast, and may be defined in the AFM, RFM, or POH.
  12. Afraid not.
  13. If you are in an airliner and you have a bad anti-ice valve the MEL requires a "no-ice" dispatch. Guess how the dispatcher routes you?
  14. To answer your question directly, yes unless your airplane is FIKI you cannot fly into known icing conditions. It is kind of a strange rule because you won't get charged with a violation, unless you stub your toe, i.e. declare an emergency or crash due to icing and not have a FIKI airplane. However you can get into equal trouble (if you survive) if you take a FIKI airplane into forecast SLD icing as it would be "careless and reckless" to take the airplane into conditions beyond which it is certified and a FIKI Mooney (and most airplanes) are not certified for SLD icing. That said, I have dispatched into known icing with my FIKI Mooney. The most important thing is to have an "out" if the system fails, or is more severe than forecast. An example of my last dispatch was forecast icing at my preferred altitude. It worked good for a while as I was on top with no visible moisture. As I entered precipitation, I was still good but after crossing the front, I began picking up ice. I had plenty of time to coordinate lower altitudes, which initially was not available due to conflicting traffic. It was reassuring that I had time and means. Eventually I got down to 7000 and all was good. TKS is not "live forever in icing" as like fuel you have a limited time. Your icing range planning is important.
  15. There is no comparison either in materials or construction (because of power to weight ratios) between a Part 25 pressurized transport aircraft and a Part 23 single engine airplane other than they both have wings and a tail. It is like comparing a pie tin to a pressure cooker and saying they are both cookware.
  16. No, because the power wire to the panel goes there. Do not think it will fit.
  17. Here you go!
  18. They got into it with Signature when they were charging 400 dollar fees for single engine airplanes and they got it knocked down. I understand PPR for big events etc, but 500 dollar charge across the board is absurd. There are Federal rules on equal and reasonable access even for FBO's because they have to operate within the lease agreements with the airports and the airports have to answer to the FAA since they receive Federal funding. Fees have to be commensurate for the aircraft size and weight which is why most airports base fees upon maximum landing weight.
  19. AOPA needs to be all over this. Excessive and not in the best interests of GA.
  20. The Cherokee does not have a extensively sealed wet wing, wheel wells for birds and mice to nest in nor is the fuel caps flush and totally dependent on O-rings to keep water out. There is a price speed and this is it. 250/month is a steal.
  21. My pleasure, tell your partners it is Hector or go home.
  22. If you have doubts about Hector's work........don't. Always first class.
  23. The CEO of Delta announced yesterday some rollbacks to the new changes. Seems they heard from their loyal customers.
  24. The AMEX agreement saved Delta Air Lines. It provided an impetuous for AMEX to give Delta debtor in possession financing during bankruptcy in 2005 and it adds easily 500 million to the bottom line now. Without these card agreements fares would be much higher. Delta was the first with a loyalty card and it was a brilliant move. If you want to use them or not is up to you.
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