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  1. @Beestforwardspeed this is a lot of information for me to post about, as it would end up being quite lengthy. I will send you a PM with my number.
  2. @AZOutlaw I sent you a PM.
  3. @Jerry 5TJ My best guess is the pitot heat current relay box (see picture). This is not supplied by CAV for the TKS system, so I am assuming it's either a Mooney part or Safe Flight part (supplier of the heated stall vane).
  4. @Little Dipper Make sure the TKS panels are very well protected. If they get damaged by solvent it would require panel replacement $$$$. The panels are held on with sealant and usually riveted in the corners. 99% of the time when a panel has to be removed it ends up getting destroyed due to the separation of the backplate and front plate. That is going to be a nice looking Mooney. Can't wait to see the end result.
  5. @NickG I sent you a PM. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
  6. @dkkim73 in reference to the control panel, it depends on what style is installed in the aircraft. If you are able to email me some pictures of yours, I can advise on the easiest way to access it for testing.
  7. @Danb PM sent
  8. Start by running the windshield pump 3-4 times. This pulls fluid from your tanks through the main metering pump(s). This primes your main pump. If you are having issues with dry spots on the panels let me know.
  9. @Patrick Horan the level of fluid in the tank is not associated with any high or low-pressure warning (unless you completely run out of fluid). Low pressure warnings typically occur in warmer weather or if there is line disconnected in the system. The easiest way to drain the tank is to disconnect the 3/8" line, which runs from your main pump to the strainer (see images).
  10. Typically, in Mooney's, if the OAT is 59 degrees Fahrenheit or above you can get a low-pressure indication due to the viscosity of the fluid. @amekler I sent you a PM.
  11. @redbaron1982 I sent you my contact information. Feel free to reach out and discuss the fluid quantity issue. Level senders can stick if the system is not run frequently, but the more common issue is the float filling up with fluid and sinking to the bottom of the tank. This doesn't occur often, but we have seen it happen.
  12. We recommend you run the system at least once per month. Start by exercising the windshield pump. This pulls fluid from your tank through your main metering pump(s). Then run your main pump until the panels wet out sufficiently. We run ours when we take trips. Run it in cruise, let it drip on the ramp, don't run it on the way home and it should be fairly dry once you get home. You should be able to see fluid all the way down the wing in flight. See attached picture. @Danb I sent you a PM with my contact details if you have any questions.
  13. @Roger M I sent you a PM
  14. @redbaron1982 I sent you a PM.
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