No you don’t. My decision was based on my mission and financial logic as I see it. Facts are: My aircraft seats my wife and I comfortably. My aircraft is fast at my non-oxygen altitude preference of 5k-10k’. My leather smells great. I prefer my retractable gear for speed over your fixed gear. My plane is over-equipped for my mission of two hour day flights in VFR. I don’t want or need a chute. I live in the land of bean fields/airfields and cornfields. The chute is NOT in my price point so NOT a consideration. Period. I got it, the Mooney CEO didn’t listen and like Mooney multiple times before failed pursuing a trainer instead of BRS. Is my Missile better looking? Yes. Is it faster? Yes. Is it reliable? Yes. Do I have a plane that exceeds my mission and doesn’t have a payment? Yes. I don’t like Cirri. Never have. Never will. They are like reading labels in a drugstore to me. Are they competent? I just don’t care. Emotion aside I just don’t like the plane you chose to own and I am not a fan of you beating up on Mooney with Monday morning quarterback stuff. Coming to a Mooney site and calling YOUR brand better is just bad form regardless of your background and experience. It’s like going to someone else’s house and going on and on why yours is better and why you should of done this...
Nevermind. I am just an emotional Mooney fanboy. I will take a ride in a Lancair turbine though...