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About Mufflerbearing

  • Birthday 03/14/1967

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    Coeur d' Alene KCOE
  • Interests
    Family is #1. Then there is high performance driving and instructing.
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  • Model
    M20S Screaming Eagle

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  1. I run from KCOE to KSHN over the cascades regularly. I do have the screaming eagle with a glass panel an FIKI. My forever bird. FIKI was a must for my purchase and have had a very good dispatch rate. This includes flights to Provo Utah. I don't have any experience with the turbos of which I have heard that once I try one, I'll never go back to NA. It has an incredible UL so there really is nothing to not like. With all of what has been said, what is your budget? You know how much we love to spend other people's money!
  2. I installed an LED on my plane and there is so much truth to this statement.
  3. You will have to remove the kick panel and remove/replace from inside the airplane. It's a tight fit but if I can do it, anyone can do it.
  4. I was just a tad late to the party. I contacted operation airdrop and was told to stand down for now. Certainly a missed opportunity.
  5. I'm late to the party, but my .02 is with pilots that simply announce whatever but never listen to the radio. I would rather hear some stuff that mildly bothers me than have a pilot do something stupid because he's not listening. About a month ago, coming into KCOE, my home drome, the seasonal tower was active. It was a super busy day and 10 miles out, I couldn't get a word in anywhere. My traffic screen was totally lit up and later learned we did 580 ops that day. Thinking it better not to go in closer than 5 miles out, I just circled over Lake Coeur 'd Alene. I finally had a break in the radio and they thought it ok for me to do a few more circuits which I was happy to do. Got the call directing me to a Right downwind RW24. I was then #2 behind a fire tanker jet. In between the jet and me, the tower had an amphib take of from RW 24 which was ok. Plenty of room. IF that pilot actually started to take off! Apparently that pilot was unaware of the busy nature of our airport that day and just sat on the RW numbers until I had no choice but to go around. The tower was a little excited about the situation and told him to move it and do an immediate right turn as soon as he lifted off. No harm, no foul, but darn it, listen and visualize where the planes are in the area!
  6. For me, the hunt was half the fun! There is so much incredible information found here on MS that after spending a ton of time here, I determined my mission and the plane that would fit that mission. I learned a ton about the particular model of my airplane which built confidence when looking for the right plane. This certainly takes time, but it is such a satisfying part of the journey. 1) Identify your mission 2) Identify the best model for your mission 3) Learn all you can about your model 4) Go hunt that mystical unicorn 5) Don't necessarily settle for the first one you look at 6) A good pre buy inspection is important 7) Buy the best one you can find for the funds you have available 8) Fly the heck out of it!
  7. Isn't the M in TBM Mooney? Why move away from the family? The Ovation is an amazing platform and I think the perfect step to the TBM.
  8. Welcome! There is so much great information found here, poke around and make new friends. This is a good place.
  9. I was concerned about how my spinner lined up with the cowl so I ordered new mounts. It looks the exact same as before the mount change. The fronts were even shimmed and still looks just like the op's. I used to be concerned about it, but not anymore.
  10. I fly regularly between KCOE Coeur 'd Alene and KSPK Spanish Fork. The perfect plane for me is the Screaming Eagle. Excellent UL plus it has FIKI. I do haul up to 4 adults on occasion plus stuff. I do watch the weight of the fuel but when I fly 3 adults, I can fly this route round trip with 2.5 hours of fuel remaining. These are amazing machines.
  11. @Shadrach, You made a great point about the hp at elevation and power at fuel flow. Something I hadn't considered. I have owned many diesels and love them. Only one I disliked and it was the only 2 stroke diesel I owned. I believe this could be a good option. Though I believe we will still need the hp to get off the ground.
  12. I saw the videos and the costs of the engine was mentioned there. For a J model this engine would be ok, but having an ovation, I'm hoping they would have an option for maybe a 6 cyl with enough HP to equal what I have now. Maybe in the future. I do like this idea for an engine, but I am getting (at 10k-12k') 170 kts true at 11.5 gph. This engine may not get that. Also, I had a 8V92 silver which is a detroit diesel 2 stroke engine. Besides it leaking everywhere, horrible fuel mileage and down on power, it was a great engine. Technology has been around for a long time. I think this is a good option if it works out.
  13. From what I was able to see, it appears that there is a discrepancy between how the two engines are weighed. The diesel weight includes the starter and alternator and other things whereas the gas did not. It is speculated that the weight difference really is only 65 lbs heavier for the diesel. Now, I'm not convinced that this engine will run burning less fuel. I have not seen the comparable on that. The $100k for the 4 cyl is pretty steep unless it has a tbo like 4,000 hrs.
  14. So much good advice here. I also purchased my Screaming Eagle and finished my PPL in it and then immediately started my IFR. No regrets here. It's certainly not for everyone but certainly doable.
  15. When you purchase it and it's yours, why not fly it home? I hired my instructor to fly mine home from Michigan to Idaho. Awesome experience. If you do keep it out in the weather, be sure to look at or replace your fuel o rings to keep the water out of those tanks.
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