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Everything posted by JWJR

  1. Correction that is 7415V
  2. Hi All, N714V 1975 M20C Has been sold to Pablo Sagion and is headed from the Pittsburgh area to Southern California. During the the ownership transfer (sale) process Pablo mentioned he is on Mooneyspace occasionally. He is a Veteran and seemed like a intelligent nice young man enthusiastic for flying and Mooneys in particular. Anyway if he should chime in here at some point please welcome him. JWJR
  3. If your going to start IFR training soon. And plan to use it on a regular basis for extensive travel. I would shop for an Auto Pilot first and plan your other upgrades/replacements around that choice. All the better if you can get that installed prior to IFR training. You may as well train utilizing the same set up you will eventually travel with. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks…. Maybe he meant to say Continentals. Sure looks like your not going to get a good look even if you could fish a scope down and back up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I just read an article In AOPA Feb 22 issue by Mike Busch. He mentions you can get a look at a few cam lobes in most Lycomings using a borescope down the oil filler tube. Has anyone here done this and willing to share details on how well they could see the lobes? …was it worthwhile? I assume you would do this with the oil drained and allow the engine to cool. It’s easy to remove the filler tube. Would this make it even easier?Do you need an articulating scope? Thanks in advance Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I directly asked if it was removed for the pre- buy ( many posts ago) and RB relied yes in a post shortly thereafter. I remember when I volunteered to assist for my first Mooney annual. I was handed a flashlight a mirror and a creeper to maneuver around on. I said ok once it’s open what am I looking for. I was told there’s some parts that needed lubed and they will take care of that. My job was to look all around with the mirror and see If a mouse has taken insulation from a seat bottom or behind the side panels and into the wing to build a nest. Old Jim said you’d be surprised where those rascals can hide and build a nest. I’ve never seen any in the Mooney however they ruined all the wiring on a Bonanza hangered on the field. Also found a nest in a Archer wing tip while installing a Skybeacon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Correct me if I’m wrong here. The panel was removed for the pre-buy inspection. Ok so the difference between discovery of the corrosion during the pre-buy and discovering the corrosion during the annual was an inspection mirror and 3-5 seconds of labor.( holding a mirror using a flashing and your eyes to see). Hmmm I wonder if it was the same mechanic for both inspections in that panel? If I’m correct then why did he remove the panel during the pre-buy if he was not going to do a proper inspection? It’s like taking the toilet paper off the roll but not wiping your ass? Half ass job Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. So this spar that needs replaced. Would this be a part that could be fabricated at the shop or would it have to come from Mooney? Is it in stock on the shelf at Mooney? If from Mooney make sure you ask for turn around time RB. You seem like a patient fella but knowing what to expect prevents dissatisfaction later and might factor in to what option you choose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. So based on the photos and location of the corrosion does anyone want to guesstimate the eventual repair invoice? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hey …then why the hell did they pull the panel? You can’t be serious! Yes I’ve had everyone of my panels opened. I use a screw gun borescope,mirror and flashlight. Takes an hour plus a side. I look at pc tubing, pushrods, signs of mice , and for corrosion. When I had my prebuy the mechanic missed a few things. Nothing major! I fixed them and never even mentioned them to the broker or mechanic. Spar corrosion is a Major issue. A deal breaker and for some a planes a cause to scrap em. Why do mechanics do prebuys….. hmm for money maybe $1700.00 or so. If they are going to do them they should be done right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Don’t miss understand me. Let’s say the cam is bad and this leads to an overhaul 30 hour post prebuy inspection. Ok the shop cut the filter and it was clean. During test run up oil pressure was good and the engine ran smooth. Ok the shop did their due diligence. No one expects them to pull cylinders to get a look at the cam. I alway say what is working today can be broken tomorrow. This ( the corrosion) was a simple miss in plain sight. No excuses. The panel was off. The perspective of getting what you pay for does in fact prevail across the GA landscape …. With the pilot folks I know anyway. Anyone trying to make an excuse for the shop is full of BS. If the shoe was on the other foot I wonder what their perspective would be then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Ok a flashlight and a five dollar inspection mirror or a two hundred dollar articulation borescope could of easily detected the corrosion. The fact they did open the panel up definitely indicates it was a miss. So the question is why did they remove the inspection panel during the pre-buy? What were they looking for in there? Hmmmm. Ok I feel like I’m stirring the pot here so I’ll stop. Try to reason with these guys and get it resolved. I just want to confirm your initial instincts that you were wronged and you have recourse. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Did they remove that inspection panel ( the one the pics are from) during did the pre-buy? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I respectfully disagree and so does my attorney sitting across from me right now. A prebuy is exactly that a prebuy inspection. You may be an expert in FAA policy however a judge is not concerned with FAA policy at all. It’s as simple as it sounds. He paid to find deficiencies in the aircraft. They overlooked a SUBSTANTIAL one. Kinda like malpractice or a structural defect missed during a home inspection . We all know it was negligent and any subject matter expert will attest to the same. You can do a legal annual with an oil change ,compression check and verified AD compliance. The judges I know are concerned with making things right ..not paper contracts. If the work order says prebuy it is inferred that it is done to protect the buyer from major issues/expense. Unfortunately I’m related to a judge and spend lots of time with attorneys ( playing cards) and the ones I’ve mentioned this scenario to all said it’s a simple open and shut case for buyer. Now all that being said I believe that’s basically what he was trying to do … turn it into an annual. I don’t think anyone here with a straight face could say missing this during a pre-buy is not outrageous and unacceptable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The M20J is an awesome plane known for speed and efficiency. Once this is resolved you will enjoy it for sure. As for the corrosion and re-sale value scenario …I was trying to assist you in quantifying the damages of the error/oversight @ pre-buy. At some point I assume you will state your case to the shop manager or a judge if no satisfaction with the shop. Keep us posted when you get the estimate. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Another small thing to take into account with this being missed during the pre buy is that let’s say five or ten years down the road you decide to sell. Ok your phone rings and at some point during the conversation the potential buyer asks if the plane has had any corrosion issues. Well you pause for a second then tell the story of when you bought it back in late 2021 The potential buyer immediately says ok thanks I’ll be in touch if I have more questions …. then Click! Potential buyers don’t like damage history. They run from Corrosion. If you knew there was corrosion would you of passed on this plane? Once you get the estimate give them a chance to make it right. We all make mistakes ,however don’t allow them to minimize this one or BS you that pulling that panel is not part of a prebuy. They must have some integrity as they did not find the corrosion during the annual and say whoops and just button that panel back up and say nothing at all about it to you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Looks better cleaned up however that’s not down to clean aluminum yet. I agree 100% that it’s just a matter of removing the inspection panel. Have they acknowledged their culpable for not catching it during the pre-buy? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Pre Buy on a Mooney Tubular steel- inspect for corrosion Spar caps- inspect for corrosion Tanks- inspect for leaks Engine - borescope cylinders- cut filter- oil screen if applicable Gear actuator Propeller - hub- governor Engine mount. Inspect Exhaust - inspect All the above can be done in 17 hours! Ok there are lots of other things to put on the report on such as condition of gear pucks - electric trim operation and on and on A pre purchase inspection should be focused on searching for corrosion, the engine , tanks and gear. A pre buy should look for deal killers not a list of forecasted maintenance for the next few years. My humble advice- consult with an [emoji51]attorney and hire a subject matter expert to testify that a pre purchase inspection SHOULD OF FOUND THE CORROSION - Why because they should of. 100% No excuses! You paid them to not get F#%ked You got F#%ked. It’s just that simple It’s an open and shut case- should require minimal billed time. Hopefully you can have it resolved out of court. Best of luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. To Lancecaspers point go with an LED. If not source one (used) from someone that has converted to LED. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. With the holidays here some of you may have some free time. These are from the 90’s so the videos are not the picture quality of today however the content is excellent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I think the reason Peterson would not STC UL auto gas for C was a vapor lock issue. Anyway the swift 94UL and the 100UL currently in testing are ok for the C The upside is a promise of longer cylinder life and extended time between oil changes Down side is price. Just a dollar more is very optimistic. I’m not a scientist and I lean way far to the right, ( political affiliations) however from what I know or think I know about lead. If I had young children and lived within a 1/4 mile of an airport with lots of training in the pattern. I would move. Fingers crossed this 100UL is available soon and not overpriced. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. There is a 70C with all the goodies listed on Barnstormers for 82amu It’s a shame that some super high time junk 172’s,Warriors/Archers bring about the same $ these days as a nice kept C/E/F. Too much False over hyped BS information on corrosion, tanks, difficult maintenance /costs and flying characteristics of the Mooneys. Oh well it makes for great value for the buyer…. Not so much for the seller however. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Check the wheel for play on the axel. If the nut was not tighten enough you can have a little play that will cause it to dart. Remove the pin tighten a little until you can get the pin in again. So you have the SB for the spacer assuming that’s the issue. If in the mean time you want to do a little flying until you can get a mechanic to complete the work try this. If you have jacks … jack the mains up about two to three inches. The tires should stay on the ground however it will remove the eight off the pucks and add a little weight to to nose compressing those. The result is temporary however the result is the same as if the spacer is installed..you leave the plane on the jacks overnight. You will like how it tracks. Again not a permanent solution however it will allow you to fly for a few hours after removal from the jacks until you chase down the mechanic for the SB fix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I push it back in on short final. A carb temp gauge is great to have otherwise when conditions are ripe for carb ice ( humid- haze- mist- fog…. Visible moisture) one day you may be in for a unforeseen loss of power- The lever/control is there for a reason! I’ve never lost my mechanical fuel pump in the almost 30 years of flying I’ve done,however I still flip the electric one on as per the Poh. The O360-A1D will make ice! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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