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M20 Ogler

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  1. Compressions were 71,72,70,70 last March. Now that you mention it there is very little resistance when I pump the throttle prior to starting. Is the accelerator pump part of the carburetor? Because I just replaced the carburetor with a rebuilt one in September of 2023.
  2. My A&P and I tested my shower of sparks and it works fine. He says it looks like a welding arc coming from the spark plugs in all four cylinders. I replaced the Gill battery with the Concorde RG-35axc and it cranks wayyyyyy better now. But still won’t start easily. So I’m guessing I have a fuel or compression issue maybe.
  3. I appreciate everyone’s input here. I will get a replacement or have a certified welder repair my part.
  4. I’m not a welder but I’m willing to try. What kind of welder did you use?
  5. Yeah, that might be what I end up doing
  6. While troubleshooting my ignition we found this bracket was broken. Anyone know where I should look?
  7. Went to trouble shoot today and the plane started up and shut down multiple times no problem. Like it just rolled out the factory yesterday. Can’t find any obvious shorts or open circuit. The wires and harnesses all look nearly new. Idk how to troubleshoot an intermittent problem.
  8. I think they where replaced around 250 hours ago
  9. Yes I do a mag check before takeoff and they both work or else I would not fly. I have the original windscreen.
  10. I have Shower of sparks ignition. I can hear the vibrator buzzing when the ignition key is turned to “start”. Then I press the key in to engage the starter. But the engine won’t fire. Sometimes it gets started after I release the key. My battery drains after two or three attempts at cranking for 10 to 15 seconds so then I have to put back on the charger for a few hours. Maybe my battery is toast? Any quick and easy things I can check before I call the shop? Wires that may be loose or maybe I can spray electrical contact cleaner in the vibrator box? Thx
  11. I finished my Commercial pilot rating in my m20c. Going to start CFI soon but I’d like to be able to solo from the right seat to get used to the CFI point of view. Is there a way to add brakes to the right side rudder pedals?
  12. Giant RC plane I spent way to much $ on before I decided to start flying the real thing
  13. My plane came with hangar rash on both outboard trailing edge corners of the ailerons. Can this be repaired with out having to reskin or replace the ailerons?
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