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  1. Read something about anti slip brakes being tagged inop the day before on another forum?
  2. Except a lipo takes seconds to short, create the needed heat to combust - it's not an instantaneous reaction. The cell had to be damaged in a way that it shorts internally, then the temperature has to reach a level to support combustion - on a surface that's travelling at presumably 206kts. If it somehow managed to perforate and get within your fuel tank - the risk would be near 0 as even 2 cups of water is enough to cool a 2000mAh battery that's trying to blow (personal experience, pack started to go on a charge cycle, tossed in coffee cup, to cool and limit damage, pretty much immediately ended the combustion by ∆t change.) Likelyhood of a lipo combusting and setting alite your fuel tank = nil.
  3. If your IA cut corners wouldn't you want to know your aircraft was sound? Yes there's probably a financial impact if he did - but isnt it better to know and have it addressed and be able to sue than have your estate sue later?
  4. Calipers are good my favorite tool next to my 60s vintage slide rule. I'm a disturbed individual I know...
  5. Is that the generally preferred design? Or did someone have an idea that they'd prefer? Hexagonal is easy, just the question of stock or something nicer.
  6. Oh please tell me someone can answer @Fred_2O 's insurance question. I'd be on that like a dirty shirt
  7. Takes paint, stains, sands carves and glues like wood. I've been playing with the graining, the 3d print actually adds a grain so to speak in layer lines, so it's fairly easy to create a grain texture appearance.
  8. Nothing's impossible But when you can print in wood filament... The details can get even finer
  9. Thanks Clarence, Any thoughts on the dot on the map - Seattle(?) Somewhere just south of the 49th below Vancouver I noticed there was one.
  10. How do you like them? I know you'd mentioned a fitment issue, did you ever decide if there was a speed improvement with them. Mind you just looks cool and decent lights that aren't likely to need replacement is pretty much good enough reason by itself. 2500$?!!! Where's the shut up and take my money emoji? I was figuring for sure it would be 5k+
  11. Yeah, still get equivalent of buddy passes in the family, for a few more years anyway (retirement benefits that predates CPAir - so you know that benefit is running out) I know my son and I enjoy the journey as much as the destination if not more, so that's the intent. And allows my wanderlust nature to take over on occasion
  12. Sure point out I haven't botherd to fill things in proper Alberta Canada eh
  13. Mmmm bagels... Trying to find a place to PPI a M20F. It had 15yrs of service only at the MSC, but hasn't been there for the last 2ish. M20doc is too busy, debating if I should trust that the MSC did proper inspections for the corrosion ADs over those 15yrs, and run it to an average shop for PPI/annual... Or consider taking it to another MSC, or back to the local one. Giving me a headache lol. So are all these "Mooney? No we don't want to work on those" shops... Lol
  14. C'mon, am I the only one who remembers the aviation boards on AOL, CompuServe and FIDOnet (the BBS one, kinda like newsgroups that updated at midnight every night to all the local BBSs)
  15. Nah, just comes across spammy... Which comes across as a poor marketing choice in my eyes, but everyone has their own beliefs. Not how'd I'd want to market a product myself, generally doesn't lend itself to building a positive brand image - but what do I know And mynameisnobody did explain he was having a rough week. We've all had those, threads drift - no issue, but a better choice would have been to create his own thread not to hijack another only semi related thread for his own marketing.
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