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    Alameda, CA
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    M20K Encore Conversion

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  1. Like new condition. Includes tug, charger, two batteries and Milwaukee carry bag.
  2. Please add me also.
  3. The latest Aeroled Landing Light: Par 36-4596: 100 Watts, 11,000 lumen, 150,000 candela, rated at 30,000 hours. This has built in Wig-Wag at 1/2 the power, so I run mine all the time on Wig-Wag at 50 watts for visibility. Yes, they are expensive and also amazing lights.
  4. A Garmin representative at Air Venture told me they expect to have the GFC 500 certified for Mooney aircraft by the end of 2018. He and a colleague weren’t sure in what order, but were guessing first long bodies, then medium bodies, then short bodies, in that order. They didn’t appear to really know. I emailed a very active avionics company in SE Texas and they stated their information was the GFC 500 would be ready to install in Mooney aircraft after the first of the year (early 2019). I sure hope all of this information is correct.
  5. Where did the Mooney Caravan finally end up? I’m asking because of the Get-Together tomorrow night at 6:30.
  6. And one more, CraigV.
  7. The Aeroleds Sunspot 46 LX is 5.6” diameter, built in wig-wag and an extraordinary 7700 lumen. They have a soon to be ( a couple months) certified light built off the Experimental Sunspot 36-4596. This Is 4.4” diameter, built in wig-wag and 11,000 lumen! I’m holding off until it becomes available.
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