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  1. I'm having it done by my IA, unfortuantely ran out of aviation funds this annual so waiting towards the end of the year
  2. apple, get cellular, only way to get the built in gps. you don't have to enable the cell service. I tend to use my mini as the cell connection makes it ultra convenient. My Air has a gps connection but the lack of cell plan means it really just stays in the bag.
  3. if they offered xm with a music sub at close to the car price, i'd be in but it's too expensive for this weekend warriors plane. I tend to avoid situations where i would need either for realtime weather
  4. My ipads have cellular, so the combination of fis-b and cell coverage pretty much keeps me current. No need for xm.
  5. I have a GNS480 and md200 i'm interested in selling, haven't gotten around to ebaying it yet. think i'm looking to get about 6k for the pair, possibly throw in the gdl393d
  6. I use the mini, mounted to the center bar, i keep an air in my bag as backup or really long trips to watch movies
  7. I don't know about the continental diesel but the austro isn't overly complex. yes you have a turbo but you also have no ignition system, no plugs, wires, distributor etc... there will be tradeoffs no matter what we do but i'd accept a higher hp engine burning 75% of the fuel for a 150ish lb diff. also given more hp, thinking they could increase ul a bit to offset some.
  8. wow, that's a damn shame, i should've downloaded them yesterday. anyone havve the drawings
  9. if i'm remembering correctly, it may even be simpler then that, just don't go full throttle at sea level at 110 degs and you should be ok
  10. I want there to be more than disorientation, these are professional pilots, this is literally the thing they get paid to do. between having a capable crew and aircraft, there has to be more to this story. the way that thing dropped i'd believe some sort of failure
  11. I"m a gp user with a good deal of ff time, I think they feel about the same. originally I stuck with gp due to some equip only working with it but now, it just feels right. I tend to run on a mix of android/apple so there is that plus. If you have an issue and contact support, there is a really good chance they will ping you right back, really surprised me the time or two i've reported something
  12. what happened with this, i could really use a few.
  13. need a replacement brittain servo or new boot. looking online there are a number of servo's offered but they all have different part numbers and i'm not sure which is for Birdy. anyone know the part number, have a good servo or replacment boot ?
  14. having 105 gallons, why not fly asia->europe->usa, no ferry tanks needed. hmm, maps, says that would probably be a few 1000 miles longer. honestly, have fun, i'd really love to do a trip like that
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