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David Medders

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  1. -a-, Interesting, but still irrelevant to my post. In the absence of direct knowledge of an engineering change by Garmin, we must assume the failure mode I experienced still exists. David
  2. -a-, That is an interesting, but irrelevant, tidbit. Perhaps "I experienced this failure mode" should have been a clue to you. The failure occurred in a seven year old installation -- resolved by replacement of the failing antenna. Do you have direct knowledge of an engineering change by Garmin that eliminates this failure mode? If so, when was it issued? David
  3. Craig, The Garmin 430/530 antennas have a failure mode where the failing antenna blocks GPS on the good system. I have experienced this failure mode. Perhaps this same problem exists in the GTNs. Additionally, the SPOT GPS trackers have jammed other GPS receivers in the aircraft. For background, GPS operates with negative signal to noise ratio -- meaning GPS receivers are dealing with VERY weak signals that are easy to jam. Check for other potential signal sources in the aircraft. Cheers, David
  4. This flight launched at 80 degrees OAT on the surface -- 1,200 MSL -- from one per second JPI EDM-900 data: 700 FPM 120 KIAS 34"/2,400 RPM CHT 342 to 363 at 1,800 MSL, OAT 68 -- The asphalt must have been hot with this big of an OAT drop! CHTs drop a bit in a continued climb with the drop in OAT. We did have problems with high CHTs in the climb several years ago -- resolved by correcting ignition timing. Cheers, David Note: This is a FIKI TKS airplane, so our climb performance will be less than a non-TKS bird.
  5. Glideslope antennas are not used for an LPV glidepath.
  6. I have read that some animals have a taste for TKS -- bad for them. Not sure if this is true, but I dilute the TKS on the ramp with water when I am finished with a test. This also speeds evaporation of the fluid. From the AFM supplement: "The TKS liquid ice protection system should not normally be activated in dry, cold air. The ice protection fluid is designed to mix with water impinging on the aircraft surface in normal operation. If dispensed in dry, cold air, the fluid becomes a gel that takes considerable time to clear, particularly from the wind shield." Here is the M20M TKS FIKI supplement for your reading pleasure: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gslaobg3fbm60y4/M20M TKS FIKI Supplement.pdf?dl=0 Cheers
  7. Guess that was one of those high pressure days where FL260 is below the 25,000 foot MSL limitation. (wink, wink)
  8. Welcome aboard, Dave! I hope you enjoy your Bravo as much as I enjoy mine. Comments: Time of useful consciousness at 25,000 feet is 3 to 5 minutes -- assuming you are in good health and no rapid decompression (hard to get in a Bravo) which reduces TUC. If you experience an oxygen system failure, descend IMMEDIATELY. Do not ask permission, advise ATC as you begin the descent. We lost a TBM-930 a few years ago because the pilot stayed at FL250 waiting for permission to descend after a pressurization failure. The airspeed envelope for TKS is to ensure proper fluid coverage. A thorough review of the TKS flight manual supplement is a MUST to safely operate in icing conditions. It includes important limitations and procedures. TKS operation is far more involved than flipping the switch when you see ice. The supplement includes a pre-flight inspection procedure that fully tests the system. As part of the pre-flight, TKS must be primed on the ground when ice expected. From the STC supplement: "Check evidence of fluid along length of all panels." I run the TKS pre-flight procedure monthly (and for flight into ice) and clean the panels. TKS fluid is one of the approved cleaning agents that is conveniently delivered to the panels by the pre-flight test. Review AC 91-74B regarding flight in icing conditions: https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_91-74B.pdf Review AC 61-100B regarding high altitude operations. The AC is written for operations above FL250, but it contains information useful to our operations at and below FL250: https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_61-107B.pdf It is always freezing at altitude so any visible moisture means potential ice. I have noticed the reduction of oil pressure at altitude, but never really considered it as the pressure stays within limits. It is very easy to exceed Lycoming's cooling limitation (50 degrees Fahrenheit per minute) operating in very cold temperatures. Be careful with power reductions and step to the CLD value on the JPI when descending. Tailwinds, David
  9. Your fuel flow?
  10. 15.3 GPH
  11. Looks right to me. I file 170 to 175 knots (depending on temperature) at 13,000 -- FIKI M20M running LOP. David
  12. Now I get it. Your observation surprises me, as I thought the price reduction for a high-time engine would make high-time an interesting risk to take. The analysis is easy given the input from this thread. An engine is $75k installed ASSUMING you have a good core. Another possible route is overhauling the existing engine. I suggest Mike Busch's books regarding engine management. I would be interested to know where you land. David
  13. What is motivating your interest in engine replacement? We just overhauled our last two original cylinders on a TIO-540-AF1B at 1,950 hours. We are planning to run it until there is a reason for overhaul or replacement. Just an aside, I asked our mechanic what a new cylinder would cost versus an overhaul. His answer: No idea, I have never replaced a Lycoming cylinder...and he has been in the business a long time. David
  14. As I said, YMMV. We must also consider storm structure. The reflectivity gradient on the cell in this video should keep us away. A high gradient cell is no-go regardless of the echo top. David
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