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  1. SOLD
  2. I answered him in pm
  3. 1965 M20E for sale at KLHZ (raleigh, NC area) less than 150 hrs since overhaul (Jewell 2012). lots of new upgrades in last two yrs I owned it.airframe 3700 TT new panel 430 waas jpi 730 fuel transducer option on 730 and coupled to 430 waas full IFR airplane new digital RPM new high speed starter interior is mostly original (new door panel) paint is a 5 New carpet one piece belly cowl speed mod New tires New rubber biscuits in nose Electric gear rebuild narco 122 Transponder rebuit one piece windshield(not 201) all side window were replaced also new door seals put in shoulder harnesses for front seat Call or email for more details 919-422-7445 gbenner@nc.rr.com $49,900.00
  4. it was right after an oil change ....annual was 6 months ago
  5. after a 3 hr flight home I noticed a small amount of oil at the base of one prop.. Is this normal or should I get this looked at?
  6. I'm in KLHZ 65 M20E
  7. unfortunately I did not have the JPI monitor before the valve issue. I installed it because of that issue. I was just looking to see if any of our mooney owners had anything negative to say about savvy's recommendations or mechanics that disagreed. Looks like I need to drop a benjamin and get the detailed results.
  8. I did the mag check. That was part of the data I sent to them. I was just wondering if they are going to tell me the same thing after I spend the money? That everything looks normal
  9. I just put 10 hrs on my JPI 730 after a #3 valve failure in flight. does anyone think I need to have savvy do pro analysis on this Data. close It looks like everything worked as it should have, even though there may be various warnings below. If something appears incorrect, please open a support ticket and let us know exactly what the issue is. Log Data 2017-04-25 14:11:55.991453+00:00 Starting to parse JPI data file id 969066, name U170421.JPI JPI Model 730. JPI Version 352. JPI Build 2. Found flight header 17 Found flight header 18 Found flight header 19 Found flight header 20 Found flight header 21 Found flight header 22 Found flight header 23 Found flight header 24 Found flight header 25 Found flight header 26 Found flight header 27 Found flight header 28 Found flight header 29 Found flight header 30 Found flight header 31 Found flight header 32 Parsing binary data. Starting to process flight #17. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: GSPD, HOBBS, ALT.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #17. Starting to process flight #18. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #18. Starting to process flight #19. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #19. Starting to process flight #20. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: GSPD, HOBBS, ALT.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #20. Starting to process flight #28. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: GSPD, HOBBS, ALT.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #28. Starting to process flight #29. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #29. Starting to process flight #30. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #30. Starting to process flight #31. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #31. Starting to process flight #32. <p>The following series didn't contain any data and were skipped: HOBBS.<br/>This is normal, unless you know configuration generates data for them.</p>Detecting departure/destination airports. Airports detected. Successfully processed flight #32. What To Upload Please use the original files, as downloaded from your engine monitor. Do not edit the data files before uploading them. This can corrupt them. Valid files typically have the following extensions: CSV, DAT, JPI, LOG, ALD, REC. None of the following file extensions are supported: DOC, EXE, JPG, PDF, PNG, XLS, XLSX, EFL. EI UBG-16 and MGL users: read FAQ Zip files are supported. 65MB limit on any single upload file. Diagnostic Info: Runtime Supported Engine Monitors Advanced Flight Systems (AF- series) Avidyne (R8/R9/EX5000) Chelton EFIS E.I. (UBG-16, MVP-50 & CGR-30P) Dynon (D10/D100-series, SkyView) Garmin G-1000, G3X and Cirrus Perspective GRT Avionics Insight Avionics (GEM 610, GEMINI 1200, G2, G3 and G4) J.P. Instruments (700-, 800-, and 900-series) MGL Avionics Ultra-FEI/Flightline AuRACLE Home Terms & Privacy Support / Contact © 2017 - Savvy Aircraft Maintenance Management, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
  10. Thats awesome, thanks for finding me, that old pic is really cool. I have done a lot of upgrades to her in the past year.
  11. Thanks to all, I just spoke with my mechanic and he agreed. I just had a new cylinder #3 put in and a couple of heat cycles could have loosened the induction tube.
  12. I am noticing when I pull the power back to land a slight popping noise. I am thinking a small exhaust leek, any comment? 65 m20E
  13. The oil temps never overheated, only CHT's I also just had the cowling mod put on for better cooling and small boost in speed
  14. carusoam, Thanks, I am learning a lot here thanks to all off you (feeling like a rookie) The engine shop says the piston was not damaged. I am not convinced the valve was the cause. more the result of overheat. I have fuel injectors and have asked them to check these also. I really need to be sure of the cause before I fly it again
  15. This will be my fourth oil change in 80 hrs. I have mechanics do the changes and I add when needed. I was stretching the last oil change due to annual scheduled
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