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  1. Already Gifted: Free wheel cover.
  2. Gifted already. Free jumper cables.
  3. Looking for ideas on installing my fire extinguisher. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F5CK0S0?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  4. The new replacement rod antenna resolved my transponder issue. The old one was bent previously, so I guess that damage caught up with me.
  5. Maybe a failed antenna could kill my transponder. We never operated it without the antenna connected.
  6. I trust Chris. We have already tried the simple stuff.
  7. It’s already with him. We’re going to try a new antenna tomorrow.
  8. I just had a surefly installed in my M20F. Now, my gtx345 is not transmitting. Did I just get lucky, or is the surefly causing some interference with the transponder? Update: A new transponder antenna resolved the issue.
  9. Looks like Mooney will deliver.
  10. Great idea! I'll give that a try.
  11. Great idea! Thank you! Unfortunately, the fitting that I'm looking for goes into where the plug (item 16) goes.
  12. Yes, that's where it is. Here is the full figure. The fitting is illustrated at the top left below.
  13. I'll go to my local home depot and ask for the mooney plumbing section. :-) Unfortunately, its a mooney part. Other fitting part numbers are standard AN's. Not sure why this one is "special".
  14. I'm looking for this oil fitting with item number 35 and part number 620008-000. Any suggestions? Thank you! Update: Looks like Mooney is willing to deliver this part.
  15. I just sent a path forward for my mag to my mechanic: 1st choice replace with a surefly. 2nd choice repair by aircraft magneto service. 3rd choice replace with a new mag. I'm not completely sure that I can fly a surefly. I have a io-390 in a 20f. Fingers crossed.
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