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About will1874

  • Birthday 11/06/1975

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    Golf, flying
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  1. I'm thinking of trying out Lee airport in Annapolis in lieu of KFME next time I come down. Does anyone have info on tie-downs and overnight fees? All the info on ForeFlight is pretty old. Thanks, Will Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. It's a shame they didn't go back. It would be valuable to have that CVR. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I got the impression by the ATC audio that they weren't aware that they were in danger of a collision. The captain was confused only about being "cleared to cross" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Yes, the manifold pressure was around 23" I agree about the engine monitor. It was supposed to be installed at the last annual...but there were some communication issues (to put it mildly) so that didn't happen.
  5. I was at 7000 feet. I don't have any idea. One of the previous owners had an affinity for label makers… My panel is covered in homemade placards.
  6. Cruising yesterday at 7,000' I don't have an engine monitor. But I'm running ROP. WOT and 2300 RPM. OAT is 15°-18°C. Cowl flaps are closed when this picture was taken. Nope...don't like that. I went the rest of the way with the cowl flaps open halfway. This is my first summer of ownership so I'm not sure what normal is during these warm months. What's everyone else doing with their cowl flaps in the heat of August? (I do have plans to install an engine monitor soon)
  7. I do have the simple cigarette lighter voltmeter. And we were bouncing between 14 and 13.8. I'll probably just bring it to a good shop on the way home.
  8. I do have the simple cigarette lighter voltmeter. And we were bouncing between 14 and 13.8. I'll probably just bring it to a good shop on the way home.
  9. Do you mean I just need a new alternator unless I'm good at fixing things? (I'm not prone to fixing anything).
  10. Hello all, I took the family on their very first cross-country adventure today. Left KBDR for KFCI. That leg was uneventful and everyone loved it. Got out at KFCI, fueled up, ate at the restaurant, and got back at it. Next leg was KFCI to KHXD. It was hot. Probably close to 90 on the ramp. Took off and headed south. Climbed up to 8000' I kept noticing a very faint whine...almost alternating like the gear warning but not nearly that loud. I thought it must be some sort of feedback from a headset or radio or something. Once we leveled off and reduced RPM for cruise I started trying to troubleshoot. Then I saw it. Very faintly the HIGH LOW VOLTAGE warning light was flickering. Not flashing like when you're not producing any electricity. I reset the alternator field CB. Whine immediately went away when I pulled it. Came back when I reset the CB. I decided to divert to KRDU. Eventually the flickering stopped. Seemed like the faint whine did too. But it was tough to tell while we were getting the stuffing beat out of us on the way down into RDU. Like I said it was hot. The hottest cylinder head temps I've seen. Still in the green, but near the top of the gauge. (I do not have an engine monitor). is it possible the alternator overheated?
  11. Thank you so much for the offer! I got your text and I'll reach out a little later this morning. -Will
  12. Descending into Tipton (KFME, Fort Meade, MD) Wednesday and the HI LOW VOLTAGE warning light started flashing. I was close enough that I just continued to Tipton. It was only another 12 minutes-ish. Clearly an alternator issue. Hopefully it's something simple. The alternator only has a little more than 300 hours on it. Hoping it's just a broken wire. But now the airplane is AOG there. I had to go fly the big airplane that pays for the little airplane so I haven't done anything as far as troubleshooting so far. It's only been three days, but no luck getting the shop on the field to respond to requests for assistance. I got a pretty good briefing on what to look for initially from the folks at Weber Aircraft at KLNS. But the airplane is fairly new to me. I've never removed the cowling. Taking each half off seems simple enough, but I'm not so sure about getting it back on by myself. Do any of you who live in the Baltimore / DC area have any recommendations on an A&P that will travel? I'm more than happy to compensate anyone who is willing to help. Feel free to text me at eight six oh, 6 one four, sixty-nine 80. TIA -Will
  13. Sent you a PM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My POH makes no mention of extending flaps for a pre-flight inspection. Does anyone do it? Any reason NOT to do it?
  15. I definitely plan on this as soon as I find a day that's not so bumpy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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