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Joe Larussa

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Joe Larussa last won the day on December 18 2019

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    Lincoln Ca
  • Interests
    flying fast, playing drums,
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  • Model
    M20J 201

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  1. So problem solved. So when unlocking the door it doesn’t take much of a turn to unlock the door and remove the key. If you don’t turn it a full 180 degrees the cylinder can turn back and lock. Glad it was a cheap fix, and now I understand my plane on a whole new level. Lol
  2. I had terrible visions of the jaws of life opening my door like a can opener.
  3. Landed today after an hour flight. Taxied to my hangar and the door latch wouldn’t move. So this is how it ends I was thinking. I called my A&P and he just happened to be around the corner. I handed him the key through the tiny window and he unlocked the door. Apparently the lock cylinder had turned in flight and locked the door from the outside. I’m guessing it’s time to remove it and take it to a locksmith? Lol
  4. Mine is located on an aluminum plate against the inside firewall, about six inches down from the glare shield. It’s a long reach to get to, and can barely see or get to any of the mounting screws. You can’t get to it from the co-pilot footwell.
  5. I bought mine from Aircraft Accessories
  6. Can anyone explain why Mooney put the starter solenoid on the inside, close to the firewall? What a PITA to get out. I’m looking into reinstalling on the firewall in the engine compartment. Thoughts?
  7. Was pretty hot I would say. Sacramento to Houston via Arizona.
  8. So I got a brand new McCauley prop for my 77 M20 J. It threw grease for almost 20 hours then stopped. Recently put 22 hours on it in 4 days and it started again. I’m not talking a ton, but leaving tiny spots on the cowling. Thoughts?
  9. Can’t tell the difference in speed honestly
  10. For anyone that needs one, new flap motors are available I found out. Older Mooney's that had 14 volt motors are now using 24 volt.
  11. The reason I pretty much never use full flaps is for several reasons. On doing instrument approach’s I always use 10 degrees, and if I need to go missed I’m already configured. Same goes for having to do a go around.
  12. Anyone have any leads on who overhauls flap motors for a 77 M20J ? Thanks!
  13. So what is it about bumping the flap that makes it go up?
  14. For the second time in seven years of owning this 77 M20J I selected full flaps on landing. Well they decided not to come back up. Quick Google search suggested to choose flaps up and gently tap the flaps to come up. To my surprise it worked, so home I went. Limit switches replaced 16 years ago. No evidence that flap motor has ever been overhauled. Mechanic comes by and of course working perfectly. Any clues on why a love tap would make them come up? Thoughts?
  15. Get the proper dye to put in the crankcase and a black light. Makes it easier to find the leak.
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