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    M20K 252

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  1. Got the msg, not sure why there was the initial problem

  2. Mooniacs; The Mid Atlantic Group of the Mooney Caravan (MAG) will host a 2017 East Coast Regional Mooney Caravan Clinic scheduled for the weekend of 23-25 June (rain dates of 8 or 15 July) at KLYH (Lynchburg, VA). The Clinic will provide mentoring and qualification to new and returning pilots to fly the Mooney Caravan to AirVenture 2017 at OSH. The schedule is to arrive at KLYH NLT 1100 on Friday, 23 June, with that afternoon devoted to ground school and demo flights. Returning Caravanners are encouraged to attend the ground school as a refresher. Qualification/training flights are scheduled for Saturday extending into Sunday according to individual requirements. Please use this link to register: Click Here to Register for LYH Caravan Clinic You will be met at the FBO, attend the ground school and a demo flight, then scheduled transportation will take you to the Fairfield Inn. You need only show up, we’ll do the rest. Expect a registration fee of $80 for a really nice tee shirt, lunches, and to cover incidentals and gratuities for the hotel/FBO staff. We have some great dinner events planned. We selected KLYH as it offers a centralized location, 150’ runway, control tower, no restrictive airspace, proximity to the hotel (5 minutes), and most importantly, a courtesy van. Restaurants are within walking distance, and we have negotiated a reduced rate ($109) at the Fairfield Inn. Use this link to reserve your room: Book your group rate for Mooney Pilots Be advised that there are a limited number of Kings and Queens available so you would be best served by reserving early if you want a choice. The Mooney Caravan offers a unique opportunity to learn a new flying skill, become a more proficient pilot, make friends with a like-minded group of pilots, and fly a formation mass-arrival at OSH. This is serious fun, and I encourage you to explore this opportunity. We will be in touch with you closer to the event with more details, but in the meantime if you have any questions or just want to discuss the Caravan please call me at 703-304-7406 or email at jpr6353@comcast.net. Jim Rigoulot
  3. Bob, the Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic scheduled for this weekend at KRMN was cancelled due to sub-VFR weather. The rain date is 18-19 June. Call me if you are interested. Jim Rigoulot 703-304-7406 or jpr6353@comcast.net

    1. Bob_Belville


      Jim, Well, I'm sorry for the group but delighted for me. Yes, I'm interested.


  4. To KS Mooniac and William R; thank you very much for the insight into how this Sears all fit together, big, big help. I now have a new project for tomorrow. Thanks again, really appreciated
  5. IProbably not but I have after-market seat covers that pull over the cushion and are fastened at the bottom with Velcro. I'm sure it would be possible to pull them up and off the cushion but when I was playing around with it this method sure felt like it was going to be a major effort and not something I would want to do more than once. I was looking for some removable pins so I could pull the seat backs straight up but didn't find any. I guess I'll go back and look harder.
  6. Probably not but I have after-market seat covers that pull over the cushion and are fastened at the bottom with Velcro. I'm sure it would be possible to pull them up and off the cushion but when I was playing around with it this method sure felt like it was going to be a major effort and not something I would want to do more than once.
  7. I have split rear seats and I would like to remove the folding seat backs to get a flat floor and more room. I have folded the seat and moved enough of the seat covers to expose the bottom of the seat frame but it's not apparent (at least to me) where the hinge is. I do not want to remove the seat covers or cushions, ideally I would like to remove the seat back as a unit and not have to take it apart.
  8. Bonehead mistake on my part; the dates are 21-22 May and I still have an open slot. Schedule is class on Saturday morning with one-one practice with a qualified safety pilot the remainder of the day. More advanced practice on Sunday with those who feel comfortable with their progress free to leave around noon.
  9. Call me and we can discuss this
  10. A Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic is scheduled for 21-21 May at KRMN, Fredericksburg, VA. Completion of a Formation Clinic is a requirement to fly the Caravan to AirVenture 2016, Oshkosh, WI. The Caravan is a great adventure and every pilot should make the pilgrimage to Oshkosk at least once and' with the Caravan, getting there is half the fun! If you have ever thought about visiting Oshkosk, doing so with your fellow Mooniacs is the way to go. I have one last slot for the KRMN Clinic and this window will close on Friday, 6 May as that is my deadline to order the tee shirts. You can get additional information on the Mooney Caravan website or call me @ 703-304-7406
  11. Thanks, I guess the only problem is I have already paid for the removal/installation of the motor and it now seems these guys are charging me for the labor again.
  12. I am having my motor overhauled by Western Skyways (a choice i really regret but more on this in a later post) and they recommend replacing the mounts for $2100. I am wondering if this is a fair price. Anyone have any experience with this replacement?
  13. East Coast Caravan Formation Clinic tentatively scheduled for 21-22 May at KRMN (Stafford Regional), Stafford, VA. I will post more specific information on the Caravan website as the details are filled in. This will be a first come, first served Clinic limited by the availability of qualified safety pilots. If you are interested and want more information or to sign up early please contact me at via Mooneyspace or at jpr6353@comcast.net
  14. There is a lot of conversation about the 252/Encore conversion but no mention of an STC. I am having my -MB overhauled next month (Western Skyways) and am considering the engine conversion. The folks at Western Skyways say the conversion is simple and straightforward but since they are doing the install they are looking for the STC. Any information/insight would be most helpful.
  15. There is a lot of conversation about the 252/Encore conversion but no mention of an STC. I am having my -MB overhauled next month (Western Skyways) and am considering the engine conversion. The folks at Western Skyways say the conversion is simple and straightforward but since they are doing the install they are looking for the STC. Any information/insight would be most helpful.
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