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  1. Installed Sun visors from Don Muncy. What an upgrade! I’ve included post installation pics, plus one with OEM visor on top of Don’s. So much more coverage (2x)!
  2. Probably going to replace all rocker switches. 1992 M20J with ETA switches. Will modify panel if needed. Anyone remodel with all new rocker switches? 28v system. Photos would be great! Why am I replacing all switches? They’re 32 years old!
  3. Thanks, tim417. I did find it on McFarlane's website. Just hoping I don't have to replace the entire cable if it is just a $5.00 part that has failed!
  4. My prop is increasing slightly in cruise also. I have a ‘92 J. Backed off the front nut on the knob and found a broken rubber washer, probably a compression washer which squeezes on shaft. Anyone had to replace this part? If so, do you have a part number?
  5. @Aerodon Do you have an E-T-A white strobe Lite cover?
  6. Aerodon, you have a white ETA Strobe Lite cover?
  7. Thanks, AH-1, let us know when you start producing as I’m sure there’s a lot of interest out there!
  8. AH-1 Cobra Pilot, have you made any covers for ETA switches yet? Trying to replace Strobe Lite cover.
  9. Some new info for those of us wanting this LED replacement. I tested the voltage on the wires to the 70303. 24v! So, emailed Jeffery at Whelen. Evidently, some Mooneys have the resistor installed, some don’t. I suggest anyone in 28v airplanes to check voltage! If it’s 24v, then this replacement won’t work. I have an Orion 650 wingtip setup which must be 28v. Also, if you are going to replace your 70303 recognition light, they are offer it in 14v and 28v, which threw up the red flag for me! Hopefully, Whelen will have a 28v LED replacement, but we are a small market, so going back with a 70303. Bummer!
  10. Thank you!
  11. Going to install a Maxpulse switch for my recognition lights, so I’ll have to remove the pulse light switch. Where can I find a cover for the removed switch?
  12. Going to install a Maxpulse switch for my recognition lights, so I’ll have to remove the pulse light switch. Where can I find a cover for the removed switch?
  13. Whelen website specs show14v. Anyone know if there will be a 28v version?
  14. Thanks, EricJ, will start there!
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