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  1. Fuel tank vent was obstructed causing fuel starvation. 28-32-00 -FUEL VENTS The fuel tanks are vented from the outboard upper edge. This vent is routed outboard and is vented overboard through a NACA vent on lower wing surface, To check fuel tank vents: 1. Block entire fuel tank vent by slipping a short length of rubber hose over tube and projecting below 2. Remove fuel tank filler cap; blow gently into rubber hose. Air should be felt coming out of filler port. 3. If Stoppage is found, clear vent prior to flight since fuel starvation could result from vent stoppage, NOTE It is important that the fuel tank vent tube protrude only enough to be flush with lower wing skins. This was removed from the vent
  2. LASKit131 Cowl Closure.pdf View File LASKit131 Cowl Closure.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  3. LASKit126 Oil Cooler Relocation.pdf View File LASKit126 Oil Cooler Relocation.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  4. LASKit112 RudderElev Covers.pdf View File LASKit112 RudderElev Covers.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  5. LASKit105 TailRootFairingHorz.pdf View File LASKit105 TailRootFairingHorz.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  6. LASKit104 DorsalFinFairing.pdf View File LASKit104 DorsalFinFairing.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  7. LASKit103B BrakeWheelCylinderRotation.pdf View File LASKit103B BrakeWheelCylinderRotation.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  8. LASKit101 AileronGapSeal.pdf View File LASKit101 AileronGapSeal.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  9. LASKit100 FlapGapSeal.pdf View File LASKit100 FlapGapSeal.pdf Submitter cbarnes403 Submitted 07/29/2018 Category Performance Data
  10. That looks a lot like twisted safety wire. I believe the replacement wire is .050
  11. So they didn't follow the SB. "Following any propeller strike complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to further operation." Unless it was discounted "a lot" I would steer clear
  12. I believe that most of those type of issues may be due to bad grounds at the bulb socket.
  13. It's still only a bulb, no modification to the aircraft performance. replacing an old with a new. Change the bulb and make a log book entry.
  14. I tried to quote cctsurf but guess it didn't post.... I do have a question, why can't you just replace the bulb with a cross referenced bulb. we do the same thing for spark plugs, oil filters, wheel bearing. Guess all I'm saying is its the same part but different manufacture.
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