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  1. Had fuel pressure dropping intermittently on a recent flight. After a call with Top Gun they suggested we have the mechanic check the finger screen and they immediately found a ball of lint. Super thanks to the Top Gun crew.
  2. Complete logs, blades didn't pass inspection so I bought a Hartzel. Hub is overhauled and has logbook entry for the overhaul. Make offer!
  3. Anyone have recommendations for annual/Mooney mechanic in NW Florida? Hopefully < 1 hr flight time from KPNS?
  4. Have tried three different methods to download JPI engine data. Used this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000VYJRY/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 On the JPI with the plug in: I went into program and hit download all. First method was EZData program downloaded from JPI site. That was asking about a com port. It says com port not found when I hit start. Was using a serial to USB adapter. assume maybe I need another driver? Second I used the same USB adapter and an adapter to USBC on an Android phone. That also failed. Anyone have success?
  5. How does the Sandia unit work for you?

  6. Have a bunk attitude indicator and the HSI is starting to fail as well which I just overhauled a year ago. Was looking into the new KI300 from king, but if both are going bad thinking about an option for digital HSI as well. Anyone have that setup? Are there other options for the autopilot integration?
  7. Found the gear door sheered off. I think I remember people saying they just take them off? Anyone else have issues where it broke or operated with them off? Cheers
  8. Will fill in the rest of the story later, but it appears we have at least 1.86% Jet-A in our fuel after a lab report. Anyone know if that's enough to get a whole new engine for Christmas? We have an insurance claim open and FBOs where it has been fueled are involved, but not sure what they are going to say yet. Will call Lycoming in the morning.
  9. It runs really rough and shuts off on left mag when you do a mag check @ 700 RPM. Right mag is fine at idle. At 1700 RPM, both end up with about 100 RPM drop. Left is initially rough but ends up at a 100 RPM drop and runs fine. Bad mag? We recently had a top overhaul and some spark spkugs replaced. Was hoping the spark plugs would fix the problem.
  10. Recently had a top overhaul. During the incident that led up to the overhaul, #4 stopped reading entirely on the JPI-700. Now after overhaul the #4 reads ~400 lower than all other cylinders for the EGT. Occasionally it will warn of 500 degree difference. CHTs for all cylinders are normal (310, 314, 330, 333) when in cruise enrichened higher than normal cruise with cowl flaps closed. Have 10 hours since top overhaul. Been very good about keeping CHT temps < 340. One theory is that the probe went bad during the low oil pressure issue. Anyone else have any other ideas?
  11. Goals for this thread are two-fold: Cautionary tale for perspective buyers and wondering out loud how bad luck we've had. Picked up a 1986 M20J August 14th 2018 for $110K, 12 years and 1200 hours SMO. A couple of notes, the below is for two pilots getting their IFR ticket and about 140 hours total flight time on the plane. Maintenance Costs in first year: $45,000 AvGas: $8500 IFR Checkride/Prep (2 pilots) other flying related expenses (memberships etc): $7400 Total: ~$60,000 first year costs (not including the plane itself). Maintenance: $3800 Pre-buy/Annual at pickup $1100 Seat started to fail to lock -- Seat frame was broken. $6200 Backup attitude indicator (turn coordinator replacement) started to fail, replaced with a G5, which when the pitot-static was tested failed the VSI, requiring an overhaul of the VSI. $250 Battery died, stranding me (long distance uber required to get to where I was going not included) $7200 VOR started failing, couldn't track down the problem, sent 530W to Garmin to debug, not issue found, ended up needing to overhaul the HSI and VOR #2. GDL88 had a failure where N number wasn't present in the FAA reports when filing IFR. New tire (my fault). $9000 Stuck oil ring due to overheating issue, likely when we bought it appeared to have spark plugs that were not for the engine. #4 went offline in flight, EGT/CHTs were low, but quickly lost oil pressure. Landed without issue, but plane was not flyable, got 4 new cylinders from Lycoming and had the plugs replaced. $8000 Install of new cylinders, Annual: broken compass bracket requiring remount, brakes were stuck on 1 side and didn't work, 2 new tires. Gas cap seal hadn't been replaced at last annual, but stated in log book as replaced, I state this only because I feel a lot of stuff was probably missed, or not looked at on a typical annual. Other miscellaneous expenses not stated: Oil changes and minor issues TL;DR: Planes are expensive or maybe we just have bad luck or we have been taken for a ride, check the spark plugs on the engine to make sure they match in the prebuy, if they don't assume they are using them to cover up a problem--good compressions won't mean you're in the clear for engine work.
  12. Just had to get a top overhaul done on my M20J, so I am in possession of 4 cylinders in need of an overhaul that could use a new owner. Anyone have advice on how to price them, and where to sell them? Cheers
  13. About 2.5 months ago we got a G5 installed to replace a bad CastleBerry standby attitude indicator. About 2 months ago, while doing a practice approach, I noticed the CDI on the number 1 (King HSI) was centered, but was quite offset according to the GPS. ATC told me I was offset, which corroborated the what I was seeing. My wife also doing the same approach noticed the same thing. During RNAV and ILS/LOC approaches there is no offset. The 530W and CDI match. We decided to have the shop look at it that installed the G5. They couldn't really find the problem but concluded it must be the Nav board, so they sent the 530 to Garmin. It came back and they said it was good to go. On the flight home we were flying a known radial and noticed it was still bad. We switched to VOR2 and flew the known radial. It was sending us wrong as well. Now both VORs seem borked. We sent the plane back to the shop. Now they are saying the HSI is bad, which we've never seen a problem with the HSI--two IFR checkrides and lots of approaches ILS, RNAV and never had a problem. We are going to bring the plane home and send it elsewhere at this point. TL;DR: Borked VOR 1/2, CDI on KI525 HSI works with RNAV/ILS, Shop says it's HSI Two questions: Any ideas on what could cause the VORs to be borked but CDI still work for RNAV/ILS/LOC? Where would you recommend taking it in Southern California? Thanks! The joys of ownership
  14. After lurking these forums and bugging many members for two years I finally got my first plane back home. My wife and I were super happy after the trip, it's a lot of fun to really be crusing across the ground and having the capability of a real cross country Thanks for all the help, especially from MB65E!
  15. Looks like I'm finally going to be in the ownership club as of Thursday. Anything surprise you the first year? What would you tell a new owner not to forget? What do you keep in the plane--a binder like flight schools?
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