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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. LOL! I really wouldn't recommend that response as an 'answer' when your boss asks.
  2. Yes. I discovered that, as well. I don't find it a good workaround, however, since I don't want the entire iPad locked in one orientation.
  3. Hmm, seems FF doesn't have an answer, either. But, I admit, they were quick to tell me
  4. Wow, really got your feathers ruffled that not everyone agrees with you, huh? Amazing how worrying about how others don't agree with you is "a hill you want to die on!" I read your linked article and my take is, "what a load of crap!" The only 'reason' really stated by the author was, "Students study and learners learn". Seriously??? The author later goes on to posit that "student" is negative as students only learn in a classroom! Guess I had it all wrong as a student...I listened in the classroom and studied elsewhere so that I could LEARN the material. Good grief if this is what today's academics consider 'progress' All of the author's claimed benefits were just a broken record of what the outcome of going to a good school as a student has always amounted to. Zero evidence of how changing from calling students to calling them learners changes success one whit. Utter speculation. Perhaps you should take AdventureD's advice and allow others entitlement to their own opinions rather than claiming we have become infected with some virus that prevents us from agreeing with you!
  5. I swear I used to be able to lock rotation by clicking the 'Lock' symbol in the upper right when I had an approach plate displayed. Now, regardless if if the Lock symbol is highlighted/active or not, the plate rotates rather than remaining locked. I've looked in settings for both Foreflight and the iPad, read the manual, and looked for an answer on their website. Therefore, I sent an inquiry to their support department. Their answer is below. So, if anyone else is having this problem....you are stuck with it! "Hi Mike, Thank you for the PIREP. What you are experiencing is a known issue that we are working to address. We have an internal engineering case to look into this issue further and fix as able. While we don’t have a timeframe for when a fix may be put in place, please know we are working on correcting this. Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. We're happy to help. Steven Pilot Support Team"
  6. Just piling on… 100ppm is NOT normal. I see under 10 ppm in flight; 0 most of the time. Only time I see more is on the ground and then only if the wind direction is right. You need to hunt this down.
  7. It's getting too expensive for many people to afford to live here. Yet again, as long as property values continue to climb it proves there are people willing to pay a hefty premium to live here.
  8. Perhaps. But, this thread is NOT the first time; it's pretty common around here to bash California. Should I start in on Alabama?
  9. Well, that's just swell. As ZuluZulu pointed out, why is necessary for others to run down California??? WTF? I mean, I could go denigrate places others live, but I don't see the reason to make cracks like, "If I never set foot in Arizona again it would perfectly fine with me." Why do you?
  10. I've been to a lot of places, and I do NOT need to live there to know I don't want to! Again, if California sucked as bad as you imply, then real estate would simply NOT be so expensive. Clearly the high taxes and gas prices do NOT offset the advantages or people would NOT move here.
  11. Hey, no kidding! I'm a native and really don't want to live anywhere else. Never had the pleasure of chipping ice off the windshield of my car. My car doesn't rust out from salt. I don't have to buy snow tires. I don't have to use a scuba tank to breathe when it's 99% humidity outside. No insects the size of small drones. I can ski and surf on the same day. I can work on the plane in the dead of winter without a heated hangar. Shall I go on? Yeah, really sucks to live here <sarcasm> Given how high California real estate continues to climb, my conclusion is that a WHOLE LOT of people must disagree with the critics
  12. Exactly! When I first bought my plane my hangar neighbors kept telling me I should employ the exemption....when I educated them on the actual rule, they thought I was just being silly! Well, I figure if the Kalifornia Tax department ever decides it want to enforce this, my buddies are going to be looking at a nasty penalty, back taxes, and interest. Not a risk I want to take.
  13. 2) Valid issues, but I can't believe Foreflight (before the Boeing acquisition) was NOT taking those issues into account in their pricing, and only Boeing was sophisticated enough to understand them and decide a 20% price hike was what was needed to make up for the original Foreflight management's incompetence! I think it was Boeing's marketing dept. deciding the sheep won't run if we jack the price 20%. 3) My apologies; that particular comment did NOT apply to your previous posts. Where we disagree (obviously!) is that while the price 5 years ago was fair, today's price, not so much! Bottom line, I'm a believer in market pricing (not cost based), and Boeing has merely decided to find out where that price point is. I'm just personally not happy about it!
  14. Very likely. It is a shame, as I like the product, but the value proposition is becoming less attractive, and the idea I'm being taken advantage of is annoying. It's not like I can't afford the increase so, to be honest, it's the being gouged that bothers me the most!
  15. Ah, it had been sounding like you were defending/justifying their price hike. I'm in full agreement with your post. Well, except for automatically going with the 'market leader.' I'm not sure Foreflight was the market leader when I first started using it. But, it seemed the best bang for the buck at that time. As you said, when Boeing bought them out, the price hike was inevitable. It just surprised me it took them a couple of years to implement. While I've been very happy with Foreflight, I'm no longer sure it's the best bang for the buck. My subscription is up in June and for the first time I'm going to be looking into FlyQ and FltPlan Go. I'm not a power user, and I'm sure I don't even know all the features of Foreflight, so it's possible I won't even notice the 'far fewer features' of the other products.
  16. 20% in one chunk for an established product sure is gouging. But, as I said, that's fine because I believe in capitalism. Don't like it, buy something else; we agree. My beef is with all the rationalization in justifying and excusing Boeing's price hike beyond the simple answer that's what they can get away with. You're still doing it: "Far fewer features" Is that really true? "1/10 the R&D budget" First, do you have any real evidence of that number, or is that just a made-up number to bolster your defense of Boeing's gouging? Second, I've noticed Boeing's new features seem to only be available to the highest price version of their product!
  17. Ah, so as long as that total is greater than what Boeing charges for Foreflight you'll be happy?
  18. This response is directed at both you, @PT20J, and @mhrivnak. 1) Don't think you are the only ones with management, product support, and marketing experience! 2) So, if it costs oh, so much to maintain software or it 'dies'. Then please explain how other POPULAR EFBs like FlyQ, and FltPlan Go manage to thrive without gouging their customers? 3) It never ceases to amaze me how many fan boys will defend companies that jack their prices by 20% at a time
  19. Hmm, you state your opinion in the tone of fact! I don't agree. Here's my opinion, stated as fact: Software is NOT a manufactured product. Once developed, it costs virtually nothing to produce, and very little to distribute. And, subscription renewal is virtually without cost. Yes, there are marketing and support costs, but the existing revenue stream easily supports new product feature development WITHOUT any increase in price. I see zero reason Boeing NEEDS to increase price to "remain dominant in a stagnant market". Frankly, raising prices in a stagnant market sounds like a great way to drive their existing customers away! I'm sure going to look into other options! What it is, is simple capitalist greed (which I have no problem with, actually): Boeing is raising prices because they believe they can get away with it. I'm not buying it has anything to do with 'cost increases' or 'stagnant markets. I maintain Boeing bought Foreflight precisely because they saw a cash cow that wasn't being "fully milked!" Time will tell if they lose appreciable market share; I have no idea how much of their revenue stream is from hobby GA pilots like myself (where price matters) vs. corporate/pro flight departments where this price increase is 'lost in the rounding". That is, Boeing may not give a hoot if they lose a small GA customer
  20. I went with the Aerolites Fusion PAR46. $160. Installed myself under A&P supervision (no issues with fitment with the stock mounting ring/hardware) and had him do a 337...another $100. Their web site is clear that it is NOT an FAA PMA/TSO part, which is why I had my A&P do the 337. I figure that will cover me when I go to sell. I've had three different shops perform annuals since installation and none even mentioned it. As a last resort, if some anal A&P or buyer throws a hissy fit, I'll just remove it and put in the crap incandescent to make them happy I leave it on from take-off to landing...I can't imagine how many incandescent bulbs I would have gone through by now!
  21. @philiplane Thank you for your detailed response! I have suspected that a low synchro drive may be the issue, but was hoping not to have to dive in with a 'scope under the panel! But, it's looking like that's what it's going to come to. UGH! I don't have any info on the magnetometer/slaved compass system, but the compass is happy with the output as it performs properly. Maybe it's just a broken harness wire to the Strikefinder... I can hope
  22. Yes, I have a wiring diagram (and, I'm an experienced EE), and my panel is the home to a couple of million white wires...not all labelled perfectly! I have both the experience to troubleshoot this, AND the experience to know that is the HARD way to fix this. A much easier way is to hope someone has seen the problem before and knows the solution; hence my post.
  23. Be aware that the Strikefinder is available with and without 'slaving' ability. And, Insight now offers a 'high tech' heading source with a 'solid state' gyro. Mine is ancient and relies on an external magnetometer.
  24. I have an Insight Strikefinder that has always worked well, but has never slaved to my electric compass. That is, when I turn the aircraft I have to clear the Strikefinder display and wait for more strikes. The electric compass also has its own compass card which is working properly. IOW, both instruments work properly, but there is a problem with compass feeding the Strike finder. I realize it's a long shot, but I'm posting in the hopes someone has had this same issue and can point me to the problem. Thanks in advance!
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