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Everything posted by StinkBug

  1. I love it when someone sends me a text basically saying "wanna do this really cool thing in like 12 hours?" and I can actually say yes. See you there!
  2. Pretty simple really, different construction techniques. Tire Ply ratings are simply measures of strength, not how many actual plies the tires contain. Different materials manufactured different ways yield different strength. Same way you can construct a contractors ladder from fiberglass or metal and have the same strength but wildly different weights.
  3. I don't know a whole lot about these things, but if you include a spinner will it work with my scimitar prop? Are these things fairly universal or are they specific to the prop?
  4. Just wanted to update this. The other day I took a friend flying and started scrolling around the screen on my 496 to show him how it worked. To my surprise I now saw colored outlines depicting Airmets and Sigmets as well as little lightning bolts. When I went to the weather page I had a whole list of weather options that were never there before. Guess someone flipped a switch and turned a bunch of stuff on on the cheapest of packages.
  5. The Archer I trained in had switches for the mags and starter in the overhead panel. No key.
  6. Wonder if there would be a way to just make a little add on trim ring to close the gap. EDIT: actually on second look I see that your cowling tucks behind the spinner. What's the actual hole diameter? any chance the Top Prop spinner would just fit through the center, rather than over the top?
  7. Finally remembered to look at my spinner today. Kinda hard to measure diameter without taking it off but it's right about 12" and the back edge of the spinner is 1-9/16" from the front of the flywheel teeth.
  8. Looks AMAZING! We need to find out also if the top prop spinner will work. I know I promised to measure mine. I keep forgetting, I'm sorry.
  9. My left gear door always has a trickle of oil on it. None in the wheel well, none on the right side. It's weird what air currents and pressure does.
  10. This, absolutely. The end outcome is tear jerking, but you were able to give those people something that can't be bought or sold and I'm sure they would have given anything in the world for it. Don't let the death of a child weigh on you, feel good that you were able to help her family.
  11. Knowing that, I wonder if it'd be easier to rekey the door and ignition to match the baggage door. You're already beyond that point, but for others like me.
  12. I need to do this sometime. My plane has different keys for all 3. It's annoying to say the least.
  13. I used the sticky mounts pretty much everywhere. The one on the tail is a foot or 2 forward of the tie down, I also have one on the top of each horizontal stabilizer out at the tip just in front of the balance weight for the elevator. Here and there I'll use one of the roll cage clamp mounts around the step, and I also have a bolt on mount that I can put in place of one of the wing tie down rings. This reminds me, I still have dozens of hours of footage to go through. I'll get to it someday I swear.
  14. I'm at CRQ with my 68C and KMYFM20S is there at MYF. There are a few others around as well.
  15. Not only will the PC help keep the plane right side up, but I've found that in turbulence it actually reacts and counters the bumps better than I can and creates a smoother ride. My A/P is just the brittain add on that ties into the PC and it works wonderfully, even without all the bells and whistles that more modern autopilots have. The key is to use it, and trust it, even when you feel like you shouldn't.
  16. The lubrication AD on my plane is every 100hrs, and no the pilot can't sign it off. It also includes jacking up the plane and swinging the gear/checking preload. I did it today with my IA and it wasn't terribly hard, but not something I could have done without a set of jacks and a bit of his knowledge either.
  17. I was going through my logbooks this evening getting ready for my checkride on friday and realized that I have a couple AD's that need to be addressed. I totally thought they were all due at annual, but apparently there are a couple 100hr ones. Oops. This one says that the pilot can perform the check, does that mean I can make the logbook entry to show compliance as well? It just so happens that I actually did a mag shut off check today before shutting down, so I know the switch is still working. http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgAD.nsf/AOCADSearch/C14960A415D956BD86256E520053A53E?OpenDocument The other AD is the landing gear lubrication one, which I'll run it by the shop for tomorrow hopefully.
  18. Man that thing really shines. I have to agree with the other poster that said an accent stripe would really set it off though. Something simple and classic. Would also help keep the N number from looking so alone on the plane as well.
  19. I saw that plane over on Catalina a few months ago, and I would agree it could use a few dozen more hours of polishing. It also didn't seem to have much of any interior in it at the time.
  20. With how much I fly I sure am glad that I have a filter and 50hr interval. If I did 10/30 I'd be changing the oil once a week, and would have done it 6 times during my 2 week trip! My oil still looks clean at 40 hours, It's like brand new at 25.
  21. In the article linked above they show photos of the alignment being off on the J cowling. On my C it's a little tougher, but the fact that the alternator is rubbing the cowl is probably a good indication. Also they mention an inch or so clearance on the starter, and I can barely get my index finger in there if I squeeze it.
  22. Ok that make sense then. I was looking at mine yesterday, and they don't look horrible, but there is some cracking in the rubber and they are certainly compressed. Actually the top ones are compressed in a pull direction, and the bottoms in a push. I wonder if any CB has ever decided to just rotate top to bottom since they are the same mount, but loaded in opposite directions. Probably too much work for even the cheapest of CBs to do though.
  23. Is it normal to only do 2? I assumed all 4 would need replacing.
  24. I read Maxwells article a while back, and I'll be checking over everything today when I change the oil. I know the mounts have had the gussets welded on at some point in time. Any other comments on one mount vs the other?
  25. It would be especially ridiculous seeing as the state doesn't consider flight lessons as education and qualify you for financial aid. Would be pretty messed up if the CFI had to register as a college, but the student wasn't given the benefits of attending a college.
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