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eman1200 last won the day on December 2 2019

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    '75 M20F

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  1. And ‘sometimes’ those factory part numbers can be found online with new part #s, sometimes not. Like an alternator part # I had but was no longer made, I could still trace the old part to the new part #. As for doing this particular work myself, the plane is already at Wetwingologists. He doesn’t strike me as a “let me see if I can fix it” guy, he’s a “replace it with new or I’m not signing off on it” kind of guy. Therefore I just wanted to see if I could compare prices online. Thanks!
  2. I have but admittedly I'm not great at reading it. but also I can't really seem to find much online on say part #610150-001/002. but thank you for the link.
  3. thank you. so for the drain valves did he charge you the roughly $50 (maybe plus markup) or significantly, incredibly more than that?
  4. I’m trying to see if the quotes from the wetwingologist dude are in line. Part #s will help me do that.
  5. hi. can anyone help with part #'s, '75 M20F? thanks!
  6. my plane is down for maintenance otherwise I'd be hammering out these flights.
  7. thanks!
  8. Do we know the correct voltage coming from the VR to the alt?
  9. Zeftronics sounds like some cheesy 80's breakdancing crew or something. wiki wiki wiki wiki
  10. hi. I have this OECO TCDS says this: Can anyone confirm the correct replacement for the OECO? thank you
  11. goobered, agreed.
  12. I did that. I have an avionics switch that has a normal up power position but also a down emergency position. When I replace the connections as they were, the avionics stack would get a blip of power but never power up completely. Then we tried moving the left ground wire to replace the right side ground and installed the battery ground the way they show in the instructions. Now the up switch fully powers up the avionics stack but the down emergency doesn’t nothing
  13. Ok so the threaded post on the back of the alternator is stripped, which is probably why it’s been so difficult to tighten it up. Any ideas how to handle a stripped post?
  14. Only thing I’m concerned about there is it has a different model number listed in that drawing.
  15. My replacement solenoid has this funky spark plug looking wire that my existing one doesn’t have. Existing has two black wires, one connected to each post. Do I, uh I mean my mechanic, just leave the new wire connected as it came and connect the two black wires the same as they were on the old one? I, uh, I mean my mechanic is clueless with anything electrical. Thank you. I mean thank you on his behalf.
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