Electric landing gear would always extend normally but intermittently would not retract. Troubleshooting confirmed motor needed overhauling (bump motor with fist when in failed mode or reverse leads and it started immediately). Overhaul shop found brushes were completely gone. Overhauled motor was reinstalled in plane. Same problem. Diagnosis found motor was again not working properly (same symptoms). Motor was returned to shop where a new armature and another set of new brushes were installed. Reinstalled motor in plane. Same problem, but troubleshooting confirmed motor was now working normally. But now when the DN relay was tapped lightly the motor started immediately. New down relay was installed. Same problem. Tapping the DN relay did not start the motor now but tapping the UP relay did! UP relay was also replaced. SUCCESS!!
Moral of the story... if your Mooney has over 3,500 hours and/or is over 40 years old, you probably should have the gear motor overhauled. There is a 200-hour requirement to inspect the gears and coupler in a Dukes actuator, but the brushes (inspection not required) cannot be inspected without destroying the caps (which are epoxied in), so they need replacing anyway in order to inspect them. The motor overhaul was under $1,000. You might also consider replacing (or cleaning if you’re lucky enough to have Cutler-Hammer relays) the gear relays since they have had a good life and can start causing real problems when they get weak. If one relay is bad, chances are that the other one is not far behind.
This happened in a '77 M20J with 4300 TT that has a Dukes 1057 gear motor with 40:1 gears but could happen in almost any Mooney. I don’t want to hear from you guys with Johnson bars though!
Hope this saves someone the headaches and expense I had wrestling with this compound problem that was defying resolution.