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Jerry Pressley

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Jerry Pressley last won the day on June 12 2017

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About Jerry Pressley

  • Birthday 08/13/1939

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    north carolina
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  1. Big variety of pre Ovation parts that includes instruments, seats, sheet metal and gear etc. Will check any part you may need. 423 231 3491 Jerry
  2. mine is 9 gph
  3. In North Carolina it is illegal to kill Rattlesnakes etc. Doesn't mention Copperheads but killing any snake in govt land is taboo. Have a blacksnake living in my basement. keeps mice from coming in the house from the fields in the fall or winter.
  4. Wanted used propeller. HCC2YK1Bf 7666-2. hub model not important. Blades need to be usable. Paperwork not too important. Need a ferry prop and can have prop shop advise usable for one ferry trip. Of course if it is in great condition that would be good. Also...if you don't really have a physical address or if it is at your Moms house and cannot get to it until you have been paid for it, please pass me by. 423 231 3491
  5. Wanted used propeller. HCC2YK1Bf 7666-2. hub model not important. Blades need to be usable. Paperwork not too important. Need a ferry prop and can have prop shop advise usable for one ferry trip. Of course if it is in great condition that would be good. Alsop...if you don't really have a physical address or if it is at your Moms house and cannot get to it until you have been paid for it, please pass me by. 423 231 3491
  6. DUKES 1057-00-5 motor only, no actuator 423 231 3491
  7. thanks Shadracik will contact him. have one jerry
  8. A number of gear handle uplocks and downlocks. 423 231 3491 NOT POLUISHED BUT ALL GUARANTEED USABLE AS IS OR TOTAL REFUND.
  9. Daniel at 423 797 2707 has a great one for sale
  10. where is the laser label? can you see where is covered on this one? jerry
  11. Thanks to Mooneyspacer Finally learned what it is. Replacement panel for F G J or K with metal belly. All those holes match the screws on the metal belly skins. A K in TN has the identical pattern and amount of screws. As you folks say it probably is Laser.
  12. Great job of disassembly and loading.
  13. If it was a replacement for the metal multi piece belly skins, would it have all those holes?
  14. it IS fiberglass. no laser label
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