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  1. I had the following items removed from my J model Mooney last year as part of an avionics upgrade. They were all in good working order. I've let these sit a while and if they can find a good home to a fellow Mooney owner, I'd take any reasonable offer for one or all of them. Honestly, time is not something I have a lot of, and rather than research exactly what these are going for, thought I'd toss it out to this group first. Thanks! Jason
  2. I had this cluster gauge removed when i upgraded to my EI primary instruments. Unfortunately, the oil pressure does not work properly (it is intermittent), and I had it diagnosed as the amplifier that was used in this model mooney. I was planning an upgrade, so never did the repair. All other gauges are working, however. I have no idea what, if any value this may have to anyone, but thought this would be the best place to try. I'll entertain all offers. I also removed many other items which I'll be listing elsewhere, but message me if you're interested. They include a UBG-16 (4 cylinder), KLN-90B GPS, KT 76A transponder, and KMA24 audio panel. Jason
  3. I have a J model and can say I experience the exact same behavior. In my transition training and the proficiency programs I have attended, I heard it was very common. Now, its muscle memory. If it ever stopped doing that I'd lose a couple hundred feet. Take care! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Very nice seeing everyone tonight. Yves, thank you for all the effort. It was worth the walk!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. We can use the Mooney Caravan tent on Monday at 6 PM to do a MooneySpace get together if you guys promise to show up. Who is willing to come on Monday at 6 PM? Yves I'll be there, Yves. Should have two others with me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. We come up from TKI, about 5 hours ourselves. We overnight in Madison to see my family and to be fresh for the VFR arrival. See you there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. My friends and I will be flying in on Saturday. This puts us usually nearby the large showers in the North Forty. Two Mooneys, mine is N1137Z. Look for the Wisconsin Badgers EZ-up tent. I'm not the most outgoing guy, but I find that if a shared love for our Mooneys isn't enough to break the ice, a cold beer is. Haha. Hope to see you there. Safe flying. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Good stuff. Thanks. I'll go the VFR route, which should save me enough time to get stuck a few more minutes in Houston traffic.
  10. I should know this, but... I've flown several times into KHOU recently, but always on an IFR flight plan which, with north winds result in a very round about way of getting there. Coming from Dallas, it seems like I could cut the trip time by going VFR, below the MEAs, with vectors only necessary for spacing and also bypassing the arrival procedure. What I am not recalling is if I need to have an IFR clearance to a class B airport or not. Also, if not, do I risk not getting cleared into the Bravo under VFR. Worst case, I'll just file. But thought I'd ask here.
  11. Thanks, Raptor. We're heading back tomorrow and your home base looks like a great spot for a fuel stop. Y'all got a good spot for a quick lunch by chance?
  12. https://vimeo.com/136886929 Thanks for all the great advice. My wife may not agree, but for me, what could be more beautiful than left traffic into KEYW!
  13. The replies to my question are awesome! Thank you all. I love too how the first posts were very much safety and routing centric, and once the crowd figured, "OK, now that he's safe, let's make sure he has fun!" The good news is that my wife and I will be joining my best bud for his 50th birthday, and not having fun this one around isn't an option. The better news is that I'll be back for sure many times, and will eventually knock out all these great spots along the way! Thanks again, y'all!!
  14. Great suggestions. I really appreciate it. I think up and down the chain will be best mix of safety and sightseeing. Good tip about stuffing the handheld in a ziploc. Looking forward to the trip.
  15. Later this month will be my first flight to Key West. I've searched and found tons of places to visit while there, but coming in from Dallas in our J-model, I'm hoping to get some advice on routing from some experienced flyers. With so few airports, and lots of swamp and water, what would be your suggested route(s)? It's more about safety than speed, and some awesome sights and experiences would be a welcome treat. I am instrument rated, for what it's worth. I will be getting life jackets for my wife and me. By the way, any suggestions for life jackets? Won't have tons of need for them back in Dallas so not sure if renting would be best. Thanks for your suggestions! Jason
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