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  1. I have no way to measure it, as I sold the airplane.
  2. Sorry for the delay. Over the top, and it is the Ram mount, yoke mount from Sportys, with the Ram Ipad 2 mini holder.
  3. Is the GTN 650 still available? Thanks,



  4. SOLD!!, thanks Paul.
  5. Please email me at 10snut@gmail.com, or check your messages. Thanks, Dave
  6. I have a pretty much like new Bogart tow bar for Mooney. Used a few times before buying a powered tow bar. This is very well made and breaks down easily, for storage: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/pages/ap/jet/bogibars2.php They are $139 new, plus shipping. I would like $100, free shipping anywhere in Cont. USA
  7. Sale pending.
  8. I will give you a call today, thanks. Dave
  9. I have a 28V Robotow for sale. It is for Mooneys, and comes with battery, charger, and Mooney adapter. Bought one year ago, new. Has had very little use and is in excellent condition. Local pickup price is $900. Shipping is possible and would be extra. Price new is $1420. Thanks much. Location: Elmira, NY 14905, Airport KELM
  10. If you have the IPad mini Retina display, make sure you get the Ram Mount specific to the Retina Mini.
  11. For what it's worth, I think Mooney went to square back windows in 65. ( from teardrop ). In 66 I think they made the center pedestal continue up to the instrument panel, hiding the connecting rods for the flaps.
  12. I have 27 gallon O&N bladders. Total fuel capacity 54 gal. Useful load dropped 30lbs. Having had previous airplanes with both bladders and wet wing tanks, I will take the bladders every time.
  13. Cfidave

    Mooney M20E N5538Q

    Panel 430W, Stec60-2
  14. Here is a pic of my 65 M20E checklist. Sorry I coouldn't get it any clearer.
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