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  1. Good luck with the voltage regulator. None of them list the M20J, so unless your A&P doesnt care or you want to get the FAA down for a field approval, there arent many options.
  2. I am still having trouble finding the correct voltage regulator (or at least one that specifically lists the M20J) The zef VR says that the compatible aircraft are the MOONEY: M20, M20A, M20B, M20C, M20D, M20E, M20F, M20G (i didn't even know there was an M20D). I have had 4 A&P's check all wiring, grounds, master switches, breakers, etc and none have been able to get a handle on it yet because it rarely does it on the ground. I am having the master switch replaced now as possibly it could be inside the switch. hopefully that works, but we shall see.
  3. Hopefully Don is right about this, but I have had 3 different mechanics look at the wiring and all say that it is good. I guess the next route is to actually test it in flight, because the ammeter rarely swings on the ground. Still think I will go with the Zef unit in hopes that i can maintain a voltage around 13.7 or so. Hopefully it will fix my porpoising issue, but Don did not seem to optimistic about that, and he is a mooney god... http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/Fluctuating%20Ammeters/Fluctuating%20Ammeters.htm
  4. I have tried but havent been able to reach them. Will keep trying. Thanks
  5. I have a 1980 M20J that had a Plane Power Alternator installed in it before I purchased the aircraft. It still has the same voltage regulator and my mechanics are having hell getting the voltage to stay between 13.0 and 14.5. I am getting very erratic swings on my ammeter (from -30 to +30) and it seems to be making my autopilot porpoise pretty bad. I had the Century 41 AP rebuilt and that did not resolve the issue. I am convinced that it is an issue between the voltage regulator and the alternator, so I purchased the Plane Power voltage regulator that is supposedly compatible. Apparently the M20J model is not listed on the approved airplanes for this regulator, so the plane will be grounded pending an FAA Field Approval. This is a crock of crap because the M20F IS a listed approved plane and that is pretty much the same aircraft, correct?? Has anyone had these issues or tried installing this voltage regulator on the J model? I would appreciate any feedback I can get from you pro's. Thanks, Michael Reitz 1980 M20J N3891H
  6. I WILL STICK WITH THE 2 BLADE!! Just was wondering what the arguments were for and against the 3 blade. Definitely looks nice in my opinion, but if it sacrifices cruise performance, I'm out! I have a little time until overhaul on the prop, just wanted to know for future reference. Thanks for the help, Mooniacs.
  7. I have a 1980 M20J and am close to needing a new prop. I have heard a lot of good things about 3 blades but have not heard many negatives. Can anyone give me some advice on which is best suited for the 4 cyl Lycoming in the M20J? Thanks!
  8. Thanks guys. It is a 1992 TLS Bravo. It does have wet heads from what I understand, so I think that will resolve some of the early top overhauls. It has an Garmin MX-20 MFD, which I do not know much about. I have experience with the G-1000 and love it, but other than that system I have only used the GNS430. I do not plan on pushing the temps as the POH states that you can, and do not expect to cruise at 200 kts true. I need a good bird to get me 700 nm in less than 5 hrs and this seemed like a pretty good one, as far as being economical. Thanks again for the help and advice.
  9. Do you have an average dollar amount that you typically spend on an annual? $5000? or more? I am used to non retractable Cessnas is why I ask.
  10. I am looking at a Bravo and was wondering if anyone had some insight on maintenance/annual costs? Or anything to be aware of when looking at them. I have been flying a columbia 400 a good bit, so I think I can handle the transition into the plane, but was just unsure how much costs the turbo would add to the annuals? Thanks!
  11. Thanks for all of the replies. I have 100 hrs now and am still in a 172. Haven't found the right bird yet. If anyone has an older J or F that they are looking to sell with 500-800 SMOH I would be interested. Thanks again
  12. it is in Lincoln right now. I appreciate the help
  13. Thanks Ron
  14. Anyone know of a good Mooney guy in the Sacramento, CA area? I want to look at a '75 M20F out there. Any info I need to know about them before I spend a lot of money looking at it? Thanks for the help!
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